The Levesen inquiry helped to establish an independent press council in the UK in the wake of the News of the World fiasco. Prior to that, there was a "watchdog" made up of ex-tabloid editors. This council ignored and covered up the phone-tapping scandal at every turn, along with the London Met. This was an operation that had almost every celebrity, politician and royal in the UK, along with thousands of ordinary citizens, under illegal surveillance. Anything they did - private phone calls, bank transactions, business deals, affairs - could be (and was) published in the Tabloids.
It was in this light, the Finklestein review recommended an independent press council in Australia. News Ltd, of course, didn't like it. Their response was the infamous Tele front-page with Labor ministers photoshopped as communist dictators. Piers, Bolt and Divine took the lead. The shockjocks followed suit.
Newspapers are still among the biggest agenda setters in the nation. The furore of the Tele alone saw the Finklestein report shelved. Just imagine, a newspaper can still say whatever it likes with no censure whatsoever. The press council can only make recommendations, and those recommendations are made by appointees of the newspapers.
Self regulation has given us News Ltd, and there's a reason self regulation (no regulation) still exists: no politician in the English-speaking world wants to go against Rupert Murdoch.