Kiron22 wrote on Nov 29
th, 2015 at 8:38am:
Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Nov 29
th, 2015 at 4:29am:
Kiron22 wrote on Nov 27
th, 2015 at 9:07pm:
Holy poo the right wing crybaby victim complex in this thread. I've never seen such hyperbolic slippery slopes in my life. University students giving a voice to minorities and fighting bigotry is now comparable to the khmer rouge? Anti-science nonsense like climate change denial should given equal space as real science? What next anti vaxx pseudoscience should be allowed uncritically in hospitals?
Holy poo the righties on this forum are literally insane. Also for all the complaints about "safe spaces" isn't it funny its only now an issue that minorities are critiquing structureal racism and sexism. Never was a problem when every thing was a safe space for white people and every thing was whitewashed.
What does the political agenda of 'progressives' have to do with higher education? İf they want to play politics then there's The Greens and the Labor party to join. Higher education is far too important to be the play thing of a bunch of rebels with a burning hatred of everything Western. 'Progressives' are only selling students short of a proper education with their one-eyed view of the world.
Its almost like when you get a higher education especially in humanities which stresses critical thinking and analytical skills,
people develop more nuanced views that allow them to look past the simple black/white narrative of reactionary conservatism.
i havent found that.
ive been to plenty of leftard intellectual dinner parties and they are concrete in their thinking. they cannot and will not accept a nuanced point.
i think its an intellectual arrogance.
i actually find them more set in their ways then your average joe.
a lot of average joes are outside the cloistered environment of academia.
they mix with aborigines and find a lot good blokes, their kids date asians and they like them, they get out in nature and understand the importance of landcare.
i doubt a lot of university academics have met an aborigine, have met an ice user, have met a pig shooter.
their lack of "reference experiences" leaves them totally unable to understand nuance.
its why the cabby often knows more then the politician and certainly more then the academic.
if someone spent 5 years studying the bio mechanics of horse riding at the ANU and wrote a PH D on it, you think they'd ride better then my kids who learnt first hand ?
academics need to get out more. they are academics because they dont like the idea of getting out at all