bogarde73 wrote on Nov 27
th, 2015 at 11:36am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 27
th, 2015 at 10:45am:
innocentbystander. wrote on Nov 27
th, 2015 at 10:40am:
The left have a vision that cannot be supported with common sense and facts, it is an ideology not a science therefore it cannot be defended by normal means, debating leftist ideology is absolutely out of the question because using facts and logic on them is like using kryptonite on superman.
Leftist ideology can only be defended by absolutely shutting up the opposing argument by any means possible, whether that is by lying, cheating, defamation, screaming racist or misogynist it doesn't matter, anything go's, except facts and logic.
The left do not play by the rules, they think rules are for right wing mugs.
Great post, i'm going to show that to my son . i was discussing what he is being taught about climate change at school and
lets just say it is to the left of Tim Flannery
Try telling the left here that propaganda is being shoved down kids' throats and they'll howl you down. Some are happy for it to happen, some don't want to hear about it, most are too dumb to realise it's a curriculum trying to become a religion.
I've heard some of the things they are influencing my grandson with and that's in a private Christian school. Of course some of the church people are the worst lefties, the Uniting Church for instance.
There's an irony for you. Green bleats about Christian education and they're doing his job for him.
yes Bogarde, my son is in a private christian school.
Doing assignments on "the relative benefits to soft hoofed animals (kangaroos) over hard hoofed animals (cattle). He better not show the pics of him shooting roos or he'll get a C minus.
like the hitler youth, comrade gough realised he had to make the federal education department (which runs a total of zero schools) responsible for the really meaty stuff of indocrination.
and they wonder why 18 yo's all vote left, change their facebook photo to the rainbow or the even more rediculous french flag.
I was smart though, i convinced my boy to change it to the french flag on its side, so now he's gone russian and is supporting Vladamir.