its one of the reasons work for the dole is such a good scheme for reordering chaotic lives.
the discipline of setting an alarm, cleaning ones teeth, preparing a sandwich for lunch.
these little disciplines make the mental muscle strong, the will power muscle.
by training these muscles, we become more adept when challenges show up (and challenges will always show up).
work for the dole is to the mind, what a daily gym session is to the body.....keeping the body finely tuned .
i would like to see all welfare recipients put on a mutual responsibility program. i cant see that anyone benefits from being deemed useless.
i would even have the patients in hospital involved in the washing of the dishes and the cleaning of the toilets if they were up to it. it could be part of their rehab.
and mental health patients...they should be tending the hospital vegetable garden and providing fresh greens to aid in the nutrition of their fellow patients.
laziness is always the enemy.
it has to be fought with more force and commitment than the fight against ISIS. i'm off to work.