greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 30
th, 2015 at 7:46am:
I'm pro gun control.
Very strict gun control.
Yeah, me too.
And my question is, that;
If firearms are so dangerous [
AND THEY ARE!], then,
....why are so many firearms seen on the hips of so many people who are walking on our streets ?
My argument is, that because firearms are very dangerous, all of these people, are a danger to themselves, and to other citizens.
And for the sake of public safety, these firearms should be removed from our community.

These people must be disarmed!!! Firearms are just too dangerous, to be so readily accessible to potential criminals [which each one of these people are!].

These people must be disarmed!!! Firearms are just too dangerous, to be so readily accessible to potential criminals [which each one of these people are!].

These people must be disarmed!!! Firearms are just too dangerous, to be so readily accessible to potential criminals [which each one of these people are!].

These people must be disarmed!!! Firearms are just too dangerous, to be so readily accessible to potential criminals [which each one of these people are!].
ARGUMENT;Going by the criminal charges that have frequently been brought against many people who wear these uniforms, it is reasonable to conclude that many of these persons [who wear these uniforms] are, .....potential rapists, child molesters, and wana-be-drug barons.
Should our government be allowing people like these [potential criminals], to have access to very
dangerous firearms, willy-nilly ?