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Politics & Religion - Australia & Global (Read 2302 times)
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Australian Politics

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Perth  WA
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Re: Politics & Religion - Australia & Global
Reply #30 - Dec 2nd, 2015 at 6:19pm
perceptions_now wrote on Dec 1st, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Politicians - Can't Trust ANY of them!!!

'Black lung' disease returns to Queensland mines

The potentially deadly black lung disease has re-emerged in Australian coalmines for the first time in more than three decades.
Queensland Mines Minister Anthony Lynham confirmed in parliament on Tuesday that three cases of pneumoconiosis - or black lung - had been reported by the state's coal industry.
The disease, caused by long-term exposure to fine airborne coal dust in areas with poor ventilation, was thought to have been wiped out in Australia.
Since 1947, X-rays and lung tests have been used to detect early signs of pneumoconiosis.
According to the ABC 7.30 Report tonight, legislation controlling air ventilation/dust particles has not been enforced, for quite some time.

Also, despite medical checks back in in early 1980's showing up some 75 miners who may well have contracted the disease, nothing happened, no action was taken.

Finally, despite the 3 recent reported cases, these were only pursued after local checks failed to report any problem & finally a US expert confirmed a Black Lung diagnosis!   

As usual, Liberal, Nationals, Labor & the Union will blame everyone, except themselves.


Who can WE Trust?
Certainly not Politicians, Religions, Unions, nor their "true believer Supporters"!

So, it seems that no one disagrees with the concept that we can not trust them, any of them!
Not even Longy raises a disagreement?

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Re: Politics & Religion - Australia & Global
Reply #31 - Dec 5th, 2015 at 11:39am
perceptions_now wrote on Dec 5th, 2015 at 11:31am:
Global Crisis: Goldman Sachs Says That Brazil Has Plunged Into 'An Outright Depression'

One of the most important banks in the western world says that the 7th largest economy on the entire planet has entered a full-blown economic depression. Brazil's  economy has now contracted for three quarters in a row, and many analysts believe that things are going to get far worse before they have a chance to get any better.

The surging U.S. dollar is absolutely crushing emerging markets such as Brazil, and if the Fed raises interest rates this month, that is going to make the pain even worse. The global financial system is more interconnected than ever before, and the decisions made by the Federal Reserve truly do have global consequences.

So much of the "hot money" that was created by the Fed poured into emerging markets such as Brazil during the good times, but now the process is starting to reverse itself. At this point, it is hard to see how much of South America is going to avoid a complete and total economic disaster.

The following comes from a Bloomberg article that was just posted entitled "Goldman Warns of Brazil Depression After GDP Plunges Again"…

Latin America's largest economy shrank more than analysts forecast, as rising unemployment and higher inflation sapped domestic demand, pulling the nation deeper into what Goldman Sachs now calls "an outright depression."

Gross domestic product in Brazil contracted 1.7 percent in the three months ended in September, after a revised 2.1 percent drop the previous quarter, the national statistics institute said in Rio de Janeiro. That's worse than all but three estimates from 44 economists surveyed by Bloomberg, whose median forecast was for a 1.2 percent decline. It also marks the first three-quarter contraction since the institute's series began in 1996, and a seasonally adjusted annual drop of 6.7 percent.

And when you look deeper into the numbers they become even more disturbing.

Unemployment is rising, consumer spending is way down, and investment spending is absolutely collapsing. Here is some of the data that Goldman Sachs just released that comes via Zero Hedge…

Private consumption has now declined for three consecutive quarters (at an average quarterly rate of -8.5% qoq sa, annualized), and investment spending for nine consecutive quarters (at an average rate of -10.0% qoq sa, annualized).

The term "economic depression" is not something that should be used lightly, because it conjures up images of the Great Depression of the 1930s. And the Brazilian economy is very important to the global economic system.

So if Brazil is feeling pain, it is going to affect all of us.

Of course, Brazil is far from alone. The third largest economy on the globe, Japan, has also now slipped into recession territory. So has Russia. And just today we learned that Canadian GDP is plunging…

Who could have seen that coming? It appears, for America's northern brethren, low oil prices are unequivocally terrible. Against expectations of a flat 0.0% unchanged September, Canadian GDP plunged 0.5% - its largest MoM drop since March 2009 and the biggest miss since Dec 2008.

It is just a matter of time before this global economic downturn catches up with us here in the U.S. too.

Another indicator that I am watching is the velocity of money.

When an economy is healthy, money tends to flow fairly freely. I buy something from you, and then you buy something from someone else, etc.

But when economic conditions start to get tough, people start to hold on to their money. That means that money doesn't change hands as quickly and the velocity of money goes down. As you can see below, the velocity of money has declined during every single recession since 1960…

When a recession ends, the velocity of money normally starts going back up.

But a funny thing happened when the last recession ended. The velocity of money ticked up slightly, but then it started going down steadily. In fact, it has kept on declining ever since and it has now hit a brand new all-time record low.

This is not normal. Yes, Wall Street is temporarily flying high for the moment, but the underlying economic fundamentals are all screaming that something is horribly wrong.

A global crisis has begun, and the U.S. will not be immune from it.
I truly believe that we are heading toward the worst economic downturn that any of us have ever experienced.
But there are many out there that insist that nothing is the matter and that happy times are ahead.
Well, I tend to agree!
The Real World indicators, which can be trusted, unlike some "Government Spin", are tending to indicate the Global Economy is in Decline and there is nothing in the Global Economic Basics, which would suggest any bounce back is on the way!

Politicians, Religions - Can't Trust ANY of them, to tell us, the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth!!!
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Australian Politics

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Perth  WA
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Re: Politics & Religion - Australia & Global
Reply #32 - Dec 7th, 2015 at 12:56pm
I re-post the following here, as it is relevant!

perceptions_now wrote on Dec 7th, 2015 at 12:50pm:
Japan's Back In A Recession: We're Next

Why Japan's economy crashed.
Why Japan's efforts to stimulate the economy are destined to fail.
What we can expect to see in their economic future.

As we forecast decades ago, Japan was the first developed country to go off the demographic cliff. Their massive baby boom and the real estate and stock bubbles that came with it, all burst.

Japan has already gone through what the rest of the developed world has since or will go through shortly… but nobody gets it. Japan didn't see it coming, and neither will Germany, Europe, or the U.S. ahead.

Never has an emerging country rose to wealth and developed country status as fast as Japan, in just three decades from the 1960s through the 1980s. And never has such a major economic and military power fallen so rapidly.

Japan's steep demographic slide was so strong that, even while the rest of the world saw the greatest global boom in history (as we also forecast), everything crashed.

Japanese stocks went down 60% in the early 1990s and real estate followed the same amount. Stocks eventually went down 80% in 2003, and real estate has never bounced - still down 60% today in residential, and 80% in commercial.

But Abe Shinzo, Japan's prime minister, and Haruhiko Kuroda, its central bank head, still think they can just stimulate their way out of the endless demographic landslide. They're convinced this is just a monetary problem of not enough inflation to get consumers to spend.

Hate to break it to them, but not only do aging consumers spend less and less, especially on real estate - they die.

In early 2013, this dynamic duo declared war on deflation (which is laughable) and aggressively increased QE, to more than double that of the Fed and the ECB at their peak rates. But then, they increased it another 60% in late 2014 to triple.

And sure, their stock market doubled - as pumping up stocks seems to be about the only thing QE's capable of - but their debt has risen to the highest in the world at 246% GDP, and 680% for total private and government!

Look at some stats since the tripling of QE in early 2013, compared to growth in private consumption and GDP.

The Bank of Japan's balance sheet has increased by 120%, which just blows my mind. No government has ever come close to these extremes. And yet, inflation has only risen 2% in this time frame of just over 2 years. How could this be with such massive money creation?

The answer is that they're fighting massive deflationary forces from aging and record debt levels. Private consumption from consumers has actually fallen 2%, or just less than 1% a year.

Economists blame this on the rise in sales taxes from 5% to 8% in early 2014 to help offset their huge government deficits and debt. That's when they upped QE another 60%. That didn't work either, as aging and demographics is the real problem.

Make no mistake: Japan's efforts have been an abysmal failure. They're mortgaging their future with QE and rising debt as their population and workforce ages predictably, even decades into the future. And it gets worse. After their millennials end their upswing from 2003 to 2020, their demographics worsen forever!

The final judgment is coming. Japan just entered an official recession with 0.8% declines in GDP in each of the last two quarters. The worst sector, business investment, is down 5% in Q3 and Q2.

We continue to not learn from Japan's lead. We're following them into a coma economy with similar policies of denial, instead of restructuring our debt and deleveraging it.
So, who is next, when will be the turn of OZ & how deep will it go?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Politics & Religion - Australia & Global
Reply #33 - Dec 7th, 2015 at 12:59pm
Talking to yourself on this thread says all you need to know about what other people think about it...
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Australian Politics

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Perth  WA
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Re: Politics & Religion - Australia & Global
Reply #34 - Dec 7th, 2015 at 7:49pm
mariacostel wrote on Dec 7th, 2015 at 12:59pm:
Talking to yourself on this thread says all you need to know about what other people think about it...

Well, you have your own "beliefs" Longy, But I am simply looking to provide "some Realities", so people can come to their own Conclusions/Realities, whatever that may be!
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