Quote:I guess that's why Marx is considered one of the very first Sociologists (along with Durkheim, Comte and others).
But I get the feeling that the kinds of Conservatives who use the term "Cultural Marxism" to defend racists and push for traditionalism would also call Sociology a form of "Cultural Marxism".
There's a particular kind of American conservative using this term - the most iconic being William S. Lind (who gets a mention on the Wikipedia).
But yeah, this William S. fellow has a book you can read online: traditionalright com/victoria
It's all about PC thugs taking over America, has quotes like this in it:
"The flow of yen also brought the federal army new recruits, mostly black gang members from the inner city, immigrants straight off the banana boat, and women. The gangs demanded they be accepted whole and designated as military units, with names like the Bad Boyz Battalion and the West Philly Skullsuckers, on the grounds that “forcing them into a white male structure would deny their unique cultural richness.” The result was units that spread drugs and mayhem throughout the federal army but ran as soon as someone shot at them. The immigrant outfits had Spanish as the language of command, and their officers would do anything for a bribe and nothing without one. The all-female infantry battalions were issued cardboard penises so they could take a leak in the field without wetting their drawers."
What a load of krap. Can you imagine the US army taking in gangs and giving them their own military units?
The cultural Marxism thing is Amerikan propaganda. It relies on porkies like the above to spread krap. Sociology is seen as leftist because it looks at the cause of social issues like poverty and crime, rather than proscribing black and white knee-jerk reactions.
This ideology is so strong, it's become un-PC to even mention capitalism, class, etc.
Remember, ideology disguises the social cause of things as inherently natural or biological; as if the way we distribute wealth is completely outside our control. As if our societies and our lives are driven by natural forces - like the weather.
Ideology is one thing, but porkies are another. Lies fuel ideology, and ideology fuels lies. The purpose of knowledge is to expose this.
The cultural Marxist thing is not an attack on "the left", it's an attack on knowledge.