Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Dec 6
th, 2015 at 6:17am:
İt is brainwashing if they don't teach alternative perspectives.
No it's not, they're teaching the field of "Cultural Studies" in which they teach the theories that make up "Cultural Studies" - your quote could have been taken from the scopes monkey trials, George Bush's position on teaching EVOLUTION in schools, or even Fox News on Climate Change. It's the typical thinking of someone who doesn't understand what "balanced" means: It means considering all positions; NOT giving equal time to all positions.
I wouldn't expect Men's Rights Advocacy to be taught in classes that are about Feminism (although it may rate a mention) - I wouldn't expect Craniology to be taught in the Neurosciences, and I wouldn't expect Religion to be taught as part of a Science course.
Worst of all, your claim - that there are invisible elements to ideology is EXACTLY what Critical Theory studies... and your claim that there is a top down Cultural Hegemony teaching through a hidden curriculum is EXACTLY what The Frankfurt School believed (way back in the 1940s and 50s) but we all moved on from that when The Birmingham School theorists came along - as this video explains:
youtube com/watch?v=RacLjmOSKtQ
Maybe it's time you moved on too, and realized that no one is stopping you from ranting, no one is censoring you, no one is out to destroy your race, or your culture, or your nation - we're all participating in a discussion about where we go from here. That's it - that's all that's happening; and you're just pissed because EVERYONE is now getting to have their say; Australian Marxists, Australian Women, and Australian Islamics included. Other people getting a say in our constitutionally secular Australian democratic discourse - isn't some conspiracy theory and it doesn't constitute censorship - it is
in fact a sign that our
Democracy is functioning as it should!People like you need to develop better explanations of why the world is how it is. Might I suggest that taking your opposition as genuine, and reading people as giving their honest opinions rather than mentally distorting their position would be a great starting point; with Feminists really believing they're oppressed by male violence, with Islamics really just wanting to practice their religion, and with gays really just wanting equal rights in the eyes of the law - I mean - it's not THAT difficult to imagine that other people are being equally as honest with their opinions, is it?
This fact shouldn't be a threat to you - and to claim that others are simply "brainwashed" denigrates the conversation and all participants as a whole.