Swagman wrote on Dec 9
th, 2015 at 5:58pm:
Glad you hold with the viewpoint that fascism is just another form of socialism, like communism is?
No, that would be a ridiculous position to hold.
Fascism (the antithesis of which is anarchism) is a state of rigid governance that can come from any ideology.
Fascism as a term comes from "Fasces" which was a weapon or axe - whose handle was strengthen by tightly binding dowels or sticks together to form and/or strengthen the handle. This is the metaphor which is at the core of fascist ideology - to violently restrict thought, or action, or race, or whatever the pet project of the government ideology is at the time - in order to simulate a coherent society (by taking away the freedom to be anything other than compliant).
Your idea of Fascism however is clearly based on your own political biases, hence why it can't factor in people like Pinochet, or any of the far right traditionalist fascists the Islamic world has to offer.
But don't worry - there's a word to describe a person like you too: Ideologue.
Actually, the symbol of fascism you describe represents people coming together as a force. Fascist is based on the root word for fist - five fingers are stronger than one.
I’m with Swagman. Fascism is indeed a model of socialism. The Nazis were National Socialists. Mussolini was a former high-ranking member of the Italian Socialist Party.
Fascism was designed to be a socialist alternative to communism.