mariacostel wrote on Dec 2
nd, 2015 at 2:43pm:
lee wrote on Dec 2
nd, 2015 at 2:32pm:
And here I thought National Radio, paid for by our tax dollars, was supposed to be impartial. You would think they had a responsibility to report the truth.
It's the usual pro-labor crowd and their embarrassing bias. Plibersek was plain wrong - as is her habit.
Bwahahahaha, awesome for a laugh that one.
I am sure Ms Plibersek was wrong about something at some time... Not exactly clear what you are saying she was wrong about.
But BIAS, wow, that post of yours just drips with bias, so much so that you have simply said Plibersek was wrong for no other reason than she is Labor...
Further Bias, you completely ignore the very real FACT that Ms Bishop was also spectacularly wrong in this specific instance. She made fun of the situation, she attempted to demean Ms Plibsersek and was, in fact, herself
smacked down as the title suggest, because she was WRONG!
What is really laughable, and this is across the board, we are the real imbeciles, anyone of us who pays a tax dollar, because we fund these absolute peaces of dross to be spectacularly wrong. Seemingly to maintain some apparent self respect, some actually put time into being on one side of this shyte, I think part of their subconscious is hinting that they are getting it wrong. Hence we have angry ants arguing as if they really believe either party is better or has some answers or (ROFLMAO) cares about their (the tax payers) lot.
News flash, they do not care about you, they do not care about your sick kids, your dying relatives, your relationships issues, your capacity to get work, sustain work, your eating, drinking, general health and well being. Just as long as you vote a bit and pay taxes so they can flit about the country side, drinking, schmoozing, enjoying excess all on our dollar, whilst feigning they work hard.
Bias eh? That's the funniest post I ever read.