polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 2
nd, 2015 at 10:24am:
Muslim communities are leading the fight against terrorism. Support services, deradicalisation programs, education in schools and mosques that preach against violence and extremism - all muslim initiatives. Imams, muslim social workers, muslim academics and researchers - are never shy to open up conversations with the community and explain their work and the issues they face. Barely a day goes by when you don't see one of them in the media raising awareness and advocating their work. So you'd have to literally be living in a cave to not be aware of the hard work being done within the muslim community to tackle this issue.
The problem though is that the radicals are always, without fail, outside the mainstream muslim community - they shun the mosques, shun the Imams and volunteers who teach against terrorist ideology. Time and time again the profile of the "radicalised youth" is the same - they avoid the mosques and seek out radical freelancers. Every police and intelligence assessment backs this up. Often, as was the case with Monis, the mainstream muslim community identifies a threat, reports it to police, who then sit on their hands. Monis held up the cafe while he was out on bail for accessory to murder. In what twisted world is "the muslim community" responsible for that?
Exactly, thanks to terrorists the muslim community is now having hundreds millions of dollars spent on it, they are the centre of government attention and largess, its a net benefit as it will lead to yet more concessions as no end of charlatans ask for free government money for this or that bogus project.
Also you won't find too many muslims that are upset over the fact that the prophet can no longer be lampooned thanks to a few muslim psychopaths, this is also a net benefit to the muslim community at large, ISIS is helping them to create a more islamic world.