aquascoot wrote on Dec 7
th, 2015 at 9:28am:
Bill gates started in a garage
Steve Jobs likewise
Richard Branson owned a record shop
Mark Zuckerberg was a pimpley faced nerd
Oprah had an abortion at 14 due to sexual abuse .
the next century belongs to those who have an idea.
the century for the creators.
Those guys are not the norm, Aquascoot. The clove monopoly in Indonesia is not owned by a self-made man, he was granted this monopoly by his father, a former dictator. The same applies to essential goods and services throughout most of the world.
But understand that what these innovators do to succeed in a market is ultimately the same as Thommy Suharto's clove monopoly. Bill Gates found an idea for operating PCs and monopolized it. Bill Gates initially beat Steve Jobs to market share by selling the software, not the hardware. PCs with Gates' software prevailed over Apple, with the software Gates copied. It was a business model that gave Gates a monopoly over the software used by an entire generation, until Google and others started to compete.
These companies use innovation to gain market monopolies. Sure, this is highly preferential to a government telling a developer what to do with a product, but a look at the inside story of technological innovation shows that the market does not fully drive the process. Computer networks require a monopoly. No one wants to be on a social network hardly anyone uses. No one wants to use a word program no one else can read. The beauty of Windows and Facebook is that everyone uses it. Like an electricity grid, we only need one wire to bring us power. With most technological innovation, one or two players ultimately rise to prevail. This applied to Edison and Westinghouse in their time just as it applies to Gates and Jobs today.
I'm not really sure what Richard Branson has done to change humanity. Sure, he's made a lot of money, but again, airline routes are monopolies granted by governments. If anything, Branson's greatness lies in challenging British Airways and Qantas to the routes he was ultimately allowed to compete on. But he then became the monopolizer, seeking to protect his company from competition from the low-cost carriers. This process repeats itself, continually.
Again, whether monopolies are formed by government decree or whomever rises to the top of the heap, it matters little. I've seen the benefits of competition in aviation policy. I used to fly to Asia with Qantas, paying a small fortune. Today, I go with Air Asia and pay half the price in 1990s dollars. I'm a big fan of competition when it works.
Competition is important, but it's not just competition that creates better and cheaper products. I hate to use corporate jargon, but synergy is crucial. Synergy allows different parts of a company to fund other parts. Synergy between companies allows networks and connectivity. "Integration" as the jargon goes.
Business is no longer pretending that competition drives them. They now acknowledge that synergy and vertical and horizontal integration is key to success. You know, like the car and petrol companies buying up railroad tracks in the 1950s to build highways: vertical integration.
This is the way business has always been done, it's just not captured in classical economic theories, which were written in an era of free trade versus protectionism. This changed when the cold war started and the choice was Amerikan trade versus communism, but the very elements of "free trade" are the question here.
FD's comments on communism are an interesting throwback to the cold war. Then , it was believed that if you questioned free trade, you were advocating communism. Today, of course, hardly anyone advocates communism. Free trade won the cold war.
Communism is not an alternative many want, but Soviet economics was never communism, merely state capitalism. We live in a dynasty of capitalism, with varying models. We cannot not live in capitalism - it's the way the human world has been structured since the Dutch East Indies Company sold the first company shares.
But we need to make capitalism work for us, not Bill Gates, not Richard Branson and not Thommy Suharto.