Hilarious, Mal on the 7.30 Report last night:
A part of last night’s 7.30 Report that did not attract attention.
Leigh Sales asked Mal about the NBN. He didn’t like that much. He told lies.
Quote:LEIGH SALES: Many people in that sector and other sectors would tell you that the most critical thing for their business these days is a speedy internet. So why then do you continue to back a broadband network that relies on a decrepit copper network?
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Why do – but that is just – with great respect, that is just completely wrong. I mean, I …
LEIGH SALES: It relies on copper to get from the node to the house and that copper network’s old.
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Yeah. But it doesn’t matter whether it’s old or young as long as it works. We are – under the approach we are taking to the NBN, we will get the network completed six to eight years sooner than it would be under Labor’s proposed method and $30 billion cheaper or at less expense to the Government, which makes broadband more affordable. I mean, it is remarkable – it doesn’t matter how many facts are presented by the company on this issue, we still get the same – we still get the same assertions …
LEIGH SALES: But the company – but a leak of – I don’t want to get bogged down in NBN ’cause I want to get through a lot, …
MALCOLM TURNBULL: No, I really don’t.
LEIGH SALES: … but there’s a leak of internal NBN documents to The Australian newspaper showing that the copper network is in such poor shape that the company has to spend 10-fold what it had planned to spend to whip it into shape.
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well that’s simply not true
http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2015/s4367704.htm“But it doesn’t matter whether it’s old or young as long as it works.”
What a lying POS!
Because of the state of the copper speed will be reduced by the need to resend packets—noisy lines due to dry joints and all the other ills of the Telstra network. The copper is too thin for high speed broadband, .6mm diameter wiring is needed, Telstra copper is much less than that.
NBN Co knew the copper wasn’t up to scratch so underprovisioned the nodes with fibre. Luck to get much above 5mbps in peak times: that is NOT high speed broadband needless to say.
“we will get the network completed six to eight years sooner than it would be under Labor’s proposed method and $30 billion cheaper ” How can he spew those lines when we know the MTM nonsense will take longer and cost more than FTTH? The cost of copper to be re-run wakes your ears bleed!
go business confidence: hey, malcolm--> why don't you do a little hop and pretend we're all children just waiting to be led around by a shill smile and good diction.