mariacostel wrote on Dec 9
th, 2015 at 8:23pm:
21st Century Dialup Network wrote on Dec 9
th, 2015 at 6:37pm:
mariacostel wrote on Dec 9
th, 2015 at 5:10pm:
Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 9
th, 2015 at 5:07pm:
FTTH would enable a tech to guide a customer through the intricacies of setting up an item of some complexity.
If LC tried someone else will try again.
2050 will not be the same as 2010.
We don’t know the changes that will happen but we do know we will need a decent comms system: it is the information age after all.
And FTTH will be cheaper than the MTM which is going up in cost every day just like I said it would.
Its also not 2050 now nor is it even close. For all we know, wireless will be faster than fiber by then. You don't know.
No Maria - Wireless WILL NEVER be faster than FTTH - not in this lifetime or the next.
DIDO, MIMO and every other wireless technology doesn't match a fixed connection.
FTTH is for the home, however Fibre to a business will enable digital production and distribution of large (10gb or more) files.
It will add 3% to our gdp and has been demonstrated as cheaper than FTTN - this has been quantified by the now released nbn reports.
FTTN is costing $1600 per premise plus maintenance.
FTTH is costing $1500 per premise - it doens't need maintenance.I would be happy with FTTdP as it provides much faster speeds, doesn't need the nodes that FTTN does and will cost us less to roll out and maintain.
I'm a business analyst - this is my area of expertise and I have been following the nbn since 2006 when Howard was still in government.
FTTH also provides a better roi - FTTN doesn't pay for itself and will lead to the government having to put it on the budget.
You can argue all you want, I don't know much but I do know something about the technologies in play - something which you have proven with your lack of knowledge on spectrum and wireless internet!
What do you think runs all those wireless towers - it's not copper!
what maintenance? Ive not had a tech out to 'maintain' my copper phone line in 25 years nor do I expect to anytime in the future. Your belief in the indestructibility of fibre is touching if a tad ludicrous.
The rest of your figures are also garbage and easily disputed.
Please dispute them by all means.
I'm talking about the whole copper network - not just your place Maria!
The maintenance has blown out to 640 million.
5G faster than fibre - 5g can go faster than 255 tbps - BAHAHAHAHA
5G won't be here until 2020 at the earliest, it will cost the earth and won't provide anywhere near enough data - like the current 4g plans don't.
Not to mention the fact that FTTN needs new copper ran and 70,000 nodes that FTTH and FTTdp don't need!
This all adds up to 10-15 billion for an already outdated technology.
You still haven't provided anything to backup your opinion - Please show me where 5G is anyway faster than FTTH!
"A good place to start is reviewing the various broadband offerings and their capabilities. Fiber-optic cable is the gold standard. Companies have demonstrated over 100,000 billion bps throughput over a single strand of fiber.
By comparison, even with an enormous 10 GHz wide radio channel and 10 bps/Hz of ultra-high spectral efficiency, spectrum-based networks could only reach 100 Gbps of theoretical throughput, 1,000 times lower than the fiber value. Plus, fiber cables consist of multiple fiber strands--if you run out of capacity on one strand, another one is right there. Coax cable, used for cable broadband, also only carries a small fraction of the capacity of a fiber optic cable."
5G also has issues with spectrum, penetrating walls, line of site, overcast days etc etc.
For 5G to work it needs a strong fixed wireless network that is run off Fibre!
Once again you have no idea!