Baronvonrort wrote on Dec 6
th, 2015 at 4:53pm:
Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 6
th, 2015 at 4:48pm:
The NBN would already be seeing an increase in GDP (it could do with it, 2.5% is riculously low) employment and exports.
How will the NBN increase exports?
Because creative industries will be able to accept jobs then send the file off to the client without having to wait a week for the video of an ad or other content. Now we have people moving their business to NZ or other areas where the govt doesn’t handicap its economy!
We could also be selling other services, education say IF we could upload big data files quickly. ADSL, VDSL just do not cut the mustard!
There are companies, in the Murrumbidgie IA and other rural areas where even big producers cannot properly track their shipments past farm or factory gate. With a proper communications network they could track the shipments and look for more lucrative markets.
In the main NBN thread, back a ways, I posted extracts of Hansard of the Estimates Committee on the NBN. There was lots of testimony supporting all I have said. Rural areas, rural councils were among the most gung ho for the NBN! Hell, Barnaby and Nash, back when Howard was PM, designed something very similar to the NBN.
So the man on the land is one of the groups most let down by the bloody Libs and Nats!
The copper is clapped out and cannot help our