____ wrote on Dec 7
th, 2015 at 10:24am:
Labor pretends to be a friend of the renewable sector. The coalition are up front on their opposition due to fossil donations to the party.
Labor are being dishonest to try and trick voters.
But the Coalition are good because they have worse environmental policies? What kind of nonsense is this? Why are you so soft on the Coalition when they are the biggest environmental wreckers in Australian politics?
____ wrote on Dec 7
th, 2015 at 10:24am:
Stating a target without policies to attain. And just days before the climate conference.
Labor has no real aim on renewable energy. More trickery.
As bad as the coalition, they are constant in policy. Labor isn't.
Labor are not in government now. They don't have to keep the same policies that they took to an election and lost. Oppositions are allowed to develop policies between elections. Your analysis isn't credible because it's so biased. You have hardly said a word against the Coalition even though they have backflipped on environmental policies just as much and have done far worse. They are the ones who pushed hard for the reduction in the RET ... yet you blame
Labor for this. Why are you so filled with bile and hate towards Labor when the Coalition are far worse?
____ wrote on Dec 7
th, 2015 at 10:24am:
The Liberal now being conservative is a political advantage to the Greens in the longer period, in giving Greens more scope.
Labor trying to be all to everyone is just an attempt to be relevant in a changing world.
Longterm the diametrically opposed Greens ~ Conservative is the main game.
Labor sooner or later has to either split, die out, or choose a side.
You really need to understand how the political spectrum works. Perhaps it is the Greens who will die out when there's no longer room in the political spectrum for their policies?
____ wrote on Dec 7
th, 2015 at 10:24am:
The ideals labor will forward are reasonably obvious. Labor is reliant on coal electorates, coal exports, and will want to avoid a fossil fuel campaign against them. They are also trying to work nuclear into Australia's future. Labor will once again fence sit on an issue, rather than take a conservative or progressive side.
Again, all Labor bashing. Obviously lashing out at the party that is the biggest threat to the Greens' survival.
You need to learn a simple truth. Politics is not a contest of
parties. It's a contest of
ideas. If the ALP adopted every one of the Greens' policies, passed them into law in government and so made the Greens' irrelevant, does it really matter at all? No, it doesn't because the ideas are still implemented. Once you're talking about parties, you're losing sight of the ideas.
The archer who aims for the bullseye will win the prize. The archer who looks at the prize will miss the target.
So too should we remember that the target's bullseye is the set of ideas that are to be implemented. Being in government is just a prize, but setting the sights on the prize will cause the ideas to be missed. This is a problem with democracy in Australia. Too much partisan crap, not enough mature discussion on policy.