Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 7
th, 2015 at 4:52pm:
Yup, Libs really, desperately want the ALP to swap Leaders. In a month or two, when the polls start again and with Malcolm’s honeymoon well and truly over we will see how the Parties fare.
where did you get the idea.. US LIBS WANT HIM GONE>>

are you kidding...Mr 14%... NO WAY we love im..
I got a laugh today Ray Hadley doesnt mince words either... he said he is amazed he is still getting double figures..
no Mr Monk you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick once again..
sorry dear I know you mean well but its time to get your head out of the sand and take a look at reality...
if you think Malc will crash and therefor get shortarse over the line.. you are bonkers..
watching shortarse is like watching a zombie in a sci fi movie.... as boring as watching wet paint dry..
.I cant even be bothered to dislike him...