cods wrote on Dec 10
th, 2015 at 5:42pm:
how can you blame POLITICs for this mess...
isnt the LAW above POLITICS?..
I laugh at our laws now.. have lost faith a long time ago...and I see no reason to change my opinion..'
fat greedy lawyers getting fatter and greedier ..
I guess the legal aid for boat people is slowing down.. so this makes a new endeavor for them to keep the ching of money going into their bank accounts..
if they said a new trial... I can reason with that... but no......straight out... believe this wasnt his fault it was hers...
I can see the headlines now...
There are different types of laws e.g. Common Laws and enacted laws
Common Laws simply mean the courts take judgements from other cases as a guidance to guilty or innocence and then penalty
Enacted Law are laws drawn up by parliament (Bill), discussed (Question Time) and passed into law (Legislation).
During Question Time amendments may be added to the Bill to get enough votes to pass the Bill
This then goes to the Senate. It gets debated and other amendments may be added. If the Bill gets enough votes then it passes as Legislation. If not the government may negotiate with others to get votes needed. This is where the amendments comes in