The Heartless Felon wrote on Dec 12
th, 2015 at 6:53am:
"His Defence Team conceded DURING THE TRIAL that a finding of guilt of manslaughter was open on the evidence."
How many times does this have to be said?
I have nothing but contempt for this grub, however, trials and appeals are decided by law, not emotion.
oh very true... so why have a jury in the first place when it can be overruled by the court anyway???
no one his disputing his trial...his bloody guilt or otherwise..
its the fact the verdict can be overturned just like that.. snap..
no!!!.. no new trial....
we the court have decided he should have been found GUILTY of MANSLAUGHTER..
how does anyone know he didnt have a real anger management moment when she said she was going to go to the conference..whether he liked it or not...
and hes thought.. NO YOU BLOODY WONT BE>.POW..
no he is being given the benefit of the doubt. not by 12 good men.. but by a faceless court......and of course his barrister..

that is what I OBJECT too...and that is what the petition is about..