cods wrote on Dec 31
st, 2015 at 4:53pm:
well he has never admitted anything... so in his mind and I am sure mummy and daddies he didnt do it..
and look at the evidence that the jury didnt gear or see..
Quote:GBC was looking for women on the world’s largest sex, dating and swingers site on New Year’s Eve 2010
“Looking for discrete (sic) sex,” Gerard Baden-Clay typed.
“Married but don’t want to be – looking for some sex on the side!”
if she the victim had been up to those tricks I am sure it would have been allowed...
it really pizzzzzzzes me off.. and I dont think 15 years is LIFE....not by any 30...or
as with Ivan throw away the key...
we have dreadful laws in this country that can be manipulated by any means if you have the money to pay these people..... and this guy seems to have that...
when he comes out he will
live happily ever after...
GBC is GUILTY. Nobody says his isn't, except his parents who think the sun shines out of his arse.
The problem is there there was little forensic evidence. The body was found 10 days after death ... the autopsy was "inconclusive" ...
He murdered his wife. That we know. However, there is no evidence to support that it was "intentional".
IF a normal person ACCIDENTALLY caused his wife/girlfriend or whatever to begin to SUFFOCATE, for whatever reason, wouldn't YOU decide "geeze, I am about to KILL the woman I love?"
Innocent until found guilty. Unfortunately and the Lawyers have a field day.
If I
accidentally hurt or killed somebody, I would call 000. NOT hide the body and pretend innocent.