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Baden Clay wins appeal. (Read 99671 times)
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #375 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:10pm
Given the present state of play.....he is not a murderer at all.  He is guilty of manslaughter.  Read:

303 Definition of manslaughter

A person who unlawfully kills another under such circumstances as not to constitute murder is guilty of manslaughter.
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #376 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:18pm
bumpy bump
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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #377 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:22pm
Aussie wrote on Jan 1st, 2016 at 12:33pm:
They've even heard about it in Canberra, cods.  See the Crimes Act.  As for Queensland and Baden all hairy chested and sign the Petition:


your amazing... you think its ok for anyone to INTERFERE
with corpses....they are dead what ever does it matter to them...

i think we are learning more about you numpty than we ever thought possible.. Angry
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #378 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:22pm
See here's the rub Aussie. You said Baden Clay could have done it in circumstances of mitigation.

What freaking circumstances? If Baden Clay is guilty of Manslaughter, the Public are entitled to know exactly what those circumstances are.

If the three wise moneys haven't found that out then how the f...k can they find him guilty of Manslaughter.

Sounds to me like they have discovered nothing but being as stumbling bumbling panel of Judges, who have opted for an easy cop out.

It is A COP OUT to say Baden Clay committed Manslaughter on his wife...How, when, where, what were the circumstances?

This Appeal Court totally stuffed it up and left the Public wondering what the f...k happened.

And what happened was a total miscarriage of Justice to Allison Baden Clay.
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #379 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:22pm
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #380 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:33pm
Murder versus Manslaughter?

Murder is usually defined as the "unlawful killing of another with malice aforethought (or "an abandoned and malignant heart"). Malice aforethought refers to the perpetrator's intention of doing harm. While Manslaughter is a homicide committed without the intention to cause death, although there may have been an intention to cause harm. Manslaughter is also a form of criminal homicide. The difference between murder and manslaughter is in the element of intent.

He caused her death but they cannot prove that he "meant to do it".  However, after "doing it" he had the forethought to ring his Father, load Allison's body in the car, leaving the 3 girls asleep, and driving to the bridge and (most likely with his Father's assistance?) dumped Allison's body over a bridge.  Then he went home and SLEPT .... when he woke the next day, rang the Insurance people to see whether Allison was still worth $1 million, checked the Internet about "self incrimination" and then rang 000.

The Police noticed the scratch marks on his face and he first said that they were "shaving marks" then changed that to "a caterpillar stung him". Meanwhile he is ringing all over the place, including the tart he was having an affair with. (Wonder whether she "Toni" visits him in the clink?)

GBC is a pathological liar, a RAKE, and deserves to remain in WOLSTON Correctional Centre for "life", plus some.
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« Last Edit: Jan 2nd, 2016 at 5:18am by Neferti »  
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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #381 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:33pm
red baron wrote on Jan 1st, 2016 at 2:46pm:
I think your advice  Aussie to a poster..'to get all hairy chested and sign the petition is petty and patronising.

We are talking about the MURDER of Allison Baden Clay.

A Jury found Baden Clay guilty of Murder.  Three Judges turned the evidence to mush and let him off with Manslaughter.

Manslaughter means he killed her. Are you saying Aussie that he somehow killed her but didn't mean to or there were mitigating circumstances?

It can only mean that can't it?

I'm not buying that scenario for one second. Every bit of my Police training tells me Baden Clay is and out and out cold blooded killer, most probably a sociopath because of how he reacted post discovery of Allison's body.

this is what numpty does when he is losing... and in this case its him a kytro... and then the rest of us...

so thats when he puts people DOWN.. me in  particular...I am so used to it.. I laugh..I say to myself here it comes.. numpty is losing...

I am now more of the leaning towards  her being choked  to death with her own the Coroner said.. with a large enough wide enough piece of fabric it wouldnt break anything...

just a little aside I am reading the Fall...the death of Lisa Harnum by Simon Gittany....


and she also had a chipped tooth..and as we all know from  a camera she was also grabbed round the neck throat area...rather violently..

as the body was worked on almost immediately it was ascertained it happened whilst she was alive just before death...

I am sure neither of these two young females would have walked around with a chipped tooth....
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« Last Edit: Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:41pm by cods »  
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #382 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:35pm
red baron wrote on Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:22pm:
See here's the rub Aussie. You said Baden Clay could have done it in circumstances of mitigation.

What freaking circumstances? If Baden Clay is guilty of Manslaughter, the Public are entitled to know exactly what those circumstances are.

That is not what I said at all.  I said that, given Baden Clay claimed he had no involvement, it is thus impossible for him, after a conviction, to argue there were mitigating circumstances.

If the three wise moneys haven't found that out then how the f...k can they find him guilty of Manslaughter.

Sounds to me like they have discovered nothing but being as stumbling bumbling panel of Judges, who have opted for an easy cop out.

You have forgotten (have you) that it is for the Cops/Prosecution to produce sufficient evidence to support any conviction.  In this matter, the Appeal Court has found two things:

1.  There was insufficient evidence to establish intent to kill beyond reasonable doubt....and I agree with that.

2.  There was sufficient evidence to establish beyond reasonable doubt that he unlawfully caused her death.......and I disagree with that (but...I accept the Umpire's decision.

It is A COP OUT to say Baden Clay committed Manslaughter on his wife...How, when, where, what were the circumstances?

I do not endorse or adopt your terminology but I agree, as stated, that in my opinion, there was insufficient evidence to establish beyond reasonable doubt that he caused her death unlawfully.  But, the Umpire has spoken and accepted that the Jury were properly able to conclude beyond reasonable doubt that he unlawfully caused her death.

This Appeal Court totally stuffed it up and left the Public wondering what the f...k happened.

And what happened was a total miscarriage of Justice to Allison Baden Clay.

As a deceased person, she no longer has an interest in anything, including Justice.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #383 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:39pm
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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #384 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:39pm
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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #385 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:40pm
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #386 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:40pm
Neferti wrote on Jan 1st, 2016 at 2:55pm:
cods wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:11pm:
I know that... but look at what the jury were not permitted to see or hear...

seems to me.. she the victim... was even said to be depressed.... when in fact it appears she was more fed up and angry.....but they made quite an issue of her being depressed...but then she couldnt answer for herself could she...

I am talking about the LAW.. the rights they give the ACCUSED...he gets protection but the victims they dont seem to count

Cods, everyone is entitled to the "right to a fair trial", presumption of innocence is one such right.  Some things are kept back from the Jury so as not to influence their decision, otherwise it could end up as a mistrial, I think. (Aussie will undoubtedly tell me if I am incorrect. Wink)

The "victim" is the murdered woman, Allison!  She cannot speak for herself, obviously. The autopsy didn't find more than her normal dose of meds in her system. She did NOT commit suicide by swallowing pills and jumping off the bridge. GBC LIED through his teeth (and is still lying). The autopsy report regarding the cause of her death was "inconclusive".

The LAW is supposed to be fair and everybody is innocent until PROVED guilty.  You didn't want GBC to walk out a FREE MAN because of some inconsistencies did you? He was found GUILTY by the Jury and he Appealed and Judge/s found reason to reduce the Murder to Manslaughter. He is still a Murderer!

I do feel sorry for Allison, her kids and her parents. You would have to be a very cruel person not to. I have my fingers crossed that GBC still gets "Life" with 15 years before being ELIGIBLE for Parole .... it doesn't mean that it is automatic.

bump in case Cods didn't see my reply!
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #387 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:48pm
and then rang 911

Unbelievable.  You are posting your own work and not plagiarising something written by a Yank?
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #388 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:49pm
Aussie wrote on Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:35pm:
red baron wrote on Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:22pm:
See here's the rub Aussie. You said Baden Clay could have done it in circumstances of mitigation.

What freaking circumstances? If Baden Clay is guilty of Manslaughter, the Public are entitled to know exactly what those circumstances are.

That is not what I said at all.  I said that, given Baden Clay claimed he had no involvement, it is thus impossible for him, after a conviction, to argue there were mitigating circumstances.

If the three wise moneys haven't found that out then how the f...k can they find him guilty of Manslaughter.

Sounds to me like they have discovered nothing but being as stumbling bumbling panel of Judges, who have opted for an easy cop out.

You have forgotten (have you) that it is for the Cops/Prosecution to produce sufficient evidence to support any conviction.  In this matter, the Appeal Court has found two things:

1.  There was insufficient evidence to establish intent to kill beyond reasonable doubt....and I agree with that.

2.  There was sufficient evidence to establish beyond reasonable doubt that he unlawfully caused her death.......and I disagree with that (but...I accept the Umpire's decision.

It is A COP OUT to say Baden Clay committed Manslaughter on his wife...How, when, where, what were the circumstances?

I do not endorse or adopt your terminology but I agree, as stated, that in my opinion, there was insufficient evidence to establish beyond reasonable doubt that he caused her death unlawfully.  But, the Umpire has spoken and accepted that the Jury were properly able to conclude beyond reasonable doubt that he unlawfully caused her death.

This Appeal Court totally stuffed it up and left the Public wondering what the f...k happened.

And what happened was a total miscarriage of Justice to Allison Baden Clay.

As a deceased person, she no longer has an interest in anything, including Justice.

Gosh. I think I am agreeing with Aussie on this. It is The LAW, not emotional stuff. Sorry.

However, Gerard Baden Clay is still the MURDERER of his wife and Mother of his daughters. He deserves LIFE with no parole for "being a good boy". It's a pity that some of his room mates don't realise what a creep he is and give him a going over with a steak knife ... or something, causing lots of pain and bleeding, broken teeth and so forth.  Grin
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Gold Member

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #389 - Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:53pm
Aussie wrote on Jan 1st, 2016 at 3:48pm:
and then rang 911

Unbelievable.  You are posting your own work and not plagiarising something written by a Yank?

OOPS.  Of course I meant 000.  Here is a recording of it.
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