Kytro wrote on Jan 1
st, 2016 at 5:26pm:
Posted on: Today at 5:26pm
ian wrote Today at 2:20pm:
Kytro wrote Today at 10:49am:
I shouldn't have any say it in. The system isn't there for victims and it shouldn't be. They need support and comfort, but not revenge
Rubbish. Its quite natural and proper to seek revenge. Most victims Ive come across look for it through the judicial system, many dont get it.
Many things are natural, it's not a synonym for good. It's natural to get angry at a lot of stuff. Humans have the capability as a group to set acceptable social rules. There is no benefit in indulging every emotional reaction people have.
The judicial system isn't there to assuage feelings. There a number of reasons why this is, from reducing crime to the fact that any emotional satisfaction is usually short term for the system not to be there for victims.
They have be hurt and traumatised, they need counselling and support to rebuild their lives far more than petty things like revenge.
the thing is this IT IS THERE FOR least it should be..
and that should INCLUDE THE VICTIM... dead or alive..
someone is saying yourself included that the VICTIMS have no court of appeal....and thats how it should be ... dead means nothing will bring them back..
just because you feel lets say the sentencing is unjust...
why is that REVENGE..
why is it not JUSTICE..
which you say is the case when the criminal is given all these rights??????....
in AMerica those on death row are given something like 10 years to fight their the mean time their victim or victims are almost all comes down to details.. points of law...
we dont have the death sentence anymore....we have 15 years......

and now it would seem yoiu can even have your sentence changed from murder to manslaughter all without going though our trial/court system...
its left to two or three faceless actually make the judgement.... not the jury...
and yes I do think the LAW is very much our business...
and I am very glad to do many others....
if we leave it all to the faceless ones..
who are
govt appointments...
with no VOICE then we get what we deserve...
you can vote for your sitting member.. but not a judge...