I hate addressing cliches so I'll not.
The Judges hypothesized and the Defence Lawyers weakened the seams.
Then the decision by Jury was gutted and sent to the bottom of the ocean.
Then 'the three wise monkeys' hypothesized their way into believing that Gerard Baden-Clay 'accidentally killed his wife'.
Is this the Law at work? If so, then the Law is a bloody joke.
Wrong. The Prosecution failed to produce evidence which could satisfy a properly instructed Jury that intent to kill could be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
How can these three wise monkeys came to this decision is a bigger mystery than the Bermuda triangle. Where is the evidence that he 'accidentally killed her'. There isn't one shred.
Correct. Neither was there sufficient evidence (to use your loose terminology) which established he intended to kill her. The onus of proof of every element of an offence is on the Prosecution.
So...they are saying there is sufficient evidence to say he accidentally killed her but not enough to say he murdered her.
Incorrect. They are saying there was insufficient 'to say' he intended to kill her.
You can't have it both ways wise monkeys.
There is no double standard. The onus proof is on the Crown/Prosecution.
He either did or he didn't murder her. The Jury have said he did.
No. It is not black and white like that at all. The Prosecution either introduced sufficient evidence to establish an intent to kill beyond reasonable doubt, or it did not. The Appeal Court has determined it did not. Hence, murder is not proven as required.
Then the three wise monkeys swept it aside for some convoluted crock of sh.t decision of Manslaughter...don't know what that is but it ain't Justice for Allison Baden-Clay.
The Criminal Justice system is set up in such a way to protect us all from hysterical lynch mobs. Victims never get Justice there. They have rights they can pursue in the Civil Justice system. Of course, if the victim is dead, they are (harsh, I know) irrelevant to both systems.
Cods.....the Law does not use the standard you refer to which is 'beyond a shadow of doubt.' You are making stuff up and it is really silly.