red baron wrote on Jan 9
th, 2016 at 5:41pm:
I reiterate some of what I consider to be an extraordinary strong circumstantial case against Gerard Baden-Clay for Murder.
Leaves from different species of plants were found about Mrs Baden -Clay’s body. A botanist gave evidence that they included four species – crepe myrtle, cat’s claw creeper, fishbone fern and lilly pilly – which he was able to identify in the Baden-Clays ’ garden, but not in the immediate vicinity of the Kholo Creek site where the body was found. Some leaves of the cat’s claw creeper, the fern and the crepe myrtle were entwined in her hair. The crepe myrtle leaves were fallen leaves, the fern leaves were a mix of live and fallen leaves, and one of the cat’s claw creeper leaves appeared to have been pulled from a live plant. Cat’s claw creeper was growing about the carport of the Baden-Clay home, while leaf litter from the crepe myrtle and fern were found in the carport and the patio area of the house near its back door.
Which establishes she somehow got vegetation around her home in her hair. Whoopdeedo.
Quote:A million dollar Policy huh? Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Baden Clay was in deep debt with his Real Estate Agency..after all he tried to borrow $400,000 to stay solvent. Would have worked out nicely for him if he hadn't been charged with Murder. Got the girl, (his mistress Mc Hugh) didn't save the world but would have picked up a handy little million dollar bonus package.
Yeas. Many people have been in that scenario. There are some really odd ones even, for example, where a vehicle belonging to a Charity who was the beneficiary in the Will of the deceased, ran down said deceased, killing them.
Quote:There had been serious marital disagreements between Gerard and Allison Baden-Clay over his constant philandering.
Of course...that is unique only to a situation where one spouse has caused the death of the other. Yeah, right.
Quote:Blood was found in a rivulet under the seat in the subject vehicle. Baden Clay, whilst thorough, wasn't thorough enough in his cleanup attempt. The blood belonged to Allison Baden Clay.
Yeas, and where was the corresponding injury on her which could have been the cause of that bleed. Hell, I'm pretty sure if any Cab was swabbed, there'd be the blood of a cast of thousands there. Does that mean the Driver murdered them all?
Quote:Incidentally I have been shaving for well over fifty years, had some nasty cuts from blunt razors but nothing like the wounds that Baden Clay claimed he got shaving 'in a hurry with a blunt razor' what was he using for a razor, a brickies trowel? A razor couldn't have cause those wounds, that's just plain bullsh.t
Why not post what you mean...bullshit. And you are right, and that must have been part of the explanation as to why the Jury concluded beyond reasonable doubt he caused her death. I disagree, but that ship has sailed.
Quote:What the hell is wrong with these three wise monkeys who blew it to Manslaughter. I have seen people convicted on way, way less than this lot.
Nothing is wrong with them. They applied the Law.
To round all that up with a scenario which is quite open on all of that.
They had a domestic. She was mightily pissed off that he was going broke, and also that he was tom catting. In blind fury, she scratched his face......he got angry and muscled her outside (so the kids would be less likely disturbed and see their parents fighting) where they wrestled. No-one knows how but in the fight, she bled. No-one knows, in the fight, she died and we have no idea of the cause. He panics.....blah blah blah blah.
No intent to kill established at all in that scenario.