Neferti wrote on Jan 13
th, 2016 at 6:35pm:
Quote:Pursuant to s.159A of the
Penalties and Sentences Act
1992, I declare the
762 days spent in pre-sentence custody from 14 June
2012 until today to
be imprisonment already served under the sentence.
The law provides but one penalty for your awful crime.
I impose it.
You are sentenced to imprisonment for life
Says it all.
I find it interesting to see the LAWs.. changed over ONE PUNCH...death.....its now I believe in NSW at least 8 years....
no messing about
.whats to argue about...
as far as i know it was the hue and cry from the public that brought that about.. they were fed up with slaps on the wrist....
for those left behind.. it will never be enough.. but at least he gets thrown in jail.....
I am wondering if they can use the INTENT wiggle off the hook....

I am sure a lot of lawyers are doing their homework on that one.....they will find a loophole..
in the case of domestic violence death... well it appears to be all in the accused all comes down to INTENT BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT..
do you all have the same degree of REASONABLENESS???.....
do not forget... after the altercation nothing must be taken into account.....why because no ,one can prove BEYOND ETC ..... so death due to domestic violence...
seems to have a massive loophole. for all the creeps to jump through......