red baron wrote on Dec 29
th, 2015 at 5:38pm:
Source Courier Mail Dec 28
A SHOCK call by Gerard Baden-Clay to his wife Allison’s life insurers could show he killed his wife for money.
Just a week before Allison was killed, the call was made to her life insurers but Baden-Clay was unable to obtain information as he was not the policy holder, The Courier-Mail revealed.
There was almost $1 million in the policy, reportsThe Courier Mail.
Baden-Clay’s murder conviction was downgraded from murder to manslaughter in the court of appeal earlier this month.
The prosecution’s decision not to focus on the life insurance policy was cited in the court’s documents.
Read more at The Courier-Mail.
A million dollar Policy huh? Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Baden Clay was in deep debt with his Real Estate Agency..after all he tried to borrow $400,000 to stay solvent. Would have worked out nicely for him if he hadn't been charged with Murder. Got the girl, (his mistress Mc Hugh) didn't save the world but would have picked up a handy little million dollar bonus package.
Incidentally I have been shaving for well over fifty years, had some nasty cuts from blunt razors but nothing like the wounds that Baden Clay claimed he got shaving 'in a hurry with a blunt razor' what was he using for a razor, a brickies trowel? A razor couldn't have cause those wounds, that's just plain bullsh.t Red Baron
All nothing new, and known by the Cops before the Trial. The Prosecutor (correctly in my view) decided that the Jury ought know about it, but did not push it other than self evident. He rang. So did she (reportedly)......seeking to reduce the premiums.
That is consistent with a couple wanting to downgrade on insurance to save some money...........he makes the told that he cannot do anything as it is for Allison to fix......she then (reportedly) makes the call to fix........and.............????
Takes us nowhere, just like the Prosecutor determined at the original Trial.