red baron wrote on Dec 30
th, 2015 at 3:54pm:
Yes...I meant Allison...sorry to that in Allison's memory.
I hear you Aussie but when looking at all the circumstances involving this case and what I personally consider was the overwhelming factor in his decision to murder her, the one million dollar get out of financial ruin clause.
I am on the side of the original Jury. In any case there will always be legal argument on the finer points of the law.
But we live and die by the Jury system and I am personally convinced the Jury got it dead right in this matter.
lets be honest here...
how many husbands have ANNOUNCED their wife is missing.. OR no shes run off with the milkman.... he went to work came home 8 hours later and the she was gone... her clothes werent nor her phone or creditcard.. but she had run off.... in a hurry of course
now I am not saying the cops suss him straight away... BUT!!!..
he is allowed to cry on TV and beg her to come home...he misses her.. please come home..
yes we know Gerard didnt do that he was far too proud...
but he did say she went out and didnt come back....

.... a bit of an A ' HA moment I am thinking??..
leaving behind everything including her beloved daughters....with not so much as a goodbye....
lousy mother..... he did tell a few fibbies about going to bed and getting up late....oh well small details...
did anyone check to see if the girls were drugged so they would sleep through any noise in the night???>..
maybe not...
what sort of man kills his wife then hides her from everyone and pretends he has no idea what or where she is... knowing all the time all the while where the mother of his girls was laying....
he also cleaned up..then came up with all the lies. as to where he was that night..... asleep... really!
what sort of man does that?....