Alinta wrote on Dec 31
st, 2015 at 6:24pm:
red baron wrote on Dec 31
st, 2015 at 5:52pm:
I have been reading all this too Cods but I can't find a single reason why his conviction should be downgraded to Manslaughter.
The big question you have to ask yourself is...IS BADEN CLAY having a giant lend of everyone, I say he is, with bells on. Never bullsh.t a bullsh..ter!!!!!
Baden Clay is a bona fide Murderer, most probably a Sociopath too. Don't know what the eggheads think about him but he ticks all the boxes for mine.
Personally, I think he is a vile person....beneath contempt.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find too many people who would say "nice man"
However, that is irrelevant to comment/s I make about the trial, appeals and points of law etc.......can't let personal feelings into play.
no I realise that alinta and thats fair enough..
however can you make any comment at all about how the law is... and how it is manipulated....or dont you agree with that???...
it seems to me we see it all the time.. they call them LOOPHOLES...
and lawyers find them all the time....and use them all the time to get off the worst of the worst even...
I dont exactly call that JUSTICE... just clever use of words on a page..
we see many times judges throwing out another judges summing up....yet these judges are never sacked....or sent to the bottom of the ladder....yet they claim he/she made huge mistakes and got someone found guilty or innocent... all because of his summing come.... how come he is allowed to remain on the bench?.....
seems to me by the time they become a judge they should know the law inside out. and if they are a trial judge and summing up is so vital... then there should be no mistakes...

... not from people who put themselves in ivory towers and are remote from the real world..... we see it too often.. lawyers claiming the judge is useless..
oh only if their client losses of course.