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Baden Clay wins appeal. (Read 99638 times)
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #345 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:49pm
Neferti wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:21pm:
Fortunately (or unfortunately) the LAW says that one is INNOCENT until proved GUILTY.

EVERYBODY knows that GBC killed Allison. That's a given!

However it has NOT been PROVED. The Post Mortem didn't come up with anything, nor did the DNA. The Autopsy was "inconclusive".  She could have been punched in the face, she could have been suffocated/strangled by her top.

What we do know is that she was NOT drunk, drugged or otherwise and jumped off the bridge.

HE is GUILTY and deserves a  LONG stay in a 9x9 room MINUS the girls, iPhone, etc. He might even establish a liking for anal.  Wink

he will still come out and enjoy what  freedom has to offer  for the rest of his days...

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #346 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:59pm
Alinta wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:24pm:
red baron wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 5:52pm:
I have been reading all this too Cods but I can't find a single reason why his conviction should be downgraded to Manslaughter.

The big question you have to ask yourself is...IS BADEN CLAY having a giant lend of everyone, I say he is, with bells on. Never bullsh.t a bullsh..ter!!!!!

Baden Clay is a bona fide Murderer, most probably a Sociopath too. Don't know what the eggheads think about him but he ticks all the boxes for mine.

Personally, I think he is a vile person....beneath contempt.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find too many people who would say "nice man"

However, that is irrelevant to comment/s I make about the trial, appeals and points of law etc.......can't let personal feelings into play.

no I realise that alinta and thats fair enough..

however can you make any comment at all about how the law is... and how it is manipulated....or dont you agree with that???...

it seems to me we see it all the time.. they call them LOOPHOLES...

and lawyers find them all the time....and use them all the time to get off the worst of the worst even...

I dont exactly call that JUSTICE... just clever use of words on a page..

we see many times judges throwing out another judges summing up....yet these judges are never sacked....or sent to the bottom of the ladder....yet they claim he/she made huge mistakes and got someone found guilty or innocent... all because of his summing come.... how come he is allowed to remain on the bench?.....

seems to me by the time they become a judge they should know the law inside out. and if they are a trial judge and summing up is so vital... then there should be no mistakes... Angry... not from people who put themselves in ivory towers and are remote from the real world..... we see it too often.. lawyers claiming the judge is useless..

oh only if their client losses of course.
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #347 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:05pm
I am not sure what it is that you want, Cods. The American term "closure"?

1. Allison is dead
2. Gerard did it
3. He gets at least 15 years
4. Nobody will ever trust him again so his life is SHOT
5. He has also ruined his Parents life.   However they think he is innocent.
6. I hope the Dickie family (Allison's parents) who are looking after the girls are OK.
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #348 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:06pm
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #349 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:08pm
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #350 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:09pm
cods wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:47pm:
red baron wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 5:52pm:
I have been reading all this too Cods but I can't find a single reason why his conviction should be downgraded to Manslaughter.

The big question you have to ask yourself is...IS BADEN CLAY having a giant lend of everyone, I say he is, with bells on. Never bullsh.t a bullsh..ter!!!!!

Baden Clay is a bona fide Murderer, most probably a Sociopath too. Don't know what the eggheads think about him but he ticks all the boxes for mine.

I read the autopsy report....and it really didnt satisfy me...if I was the mother of the dead women I would have asked for a second one....

the fact that there was no way of telling where she landed or how she landed.. nothing broken.....yet we know she fell 14 mtrs.....tells me an awful lot of evidence was missing...he couldnt even say if she drowned...well more or less.. ... how difficult it was to tell......

ok maybe I read to many true crime books...but I was kind of expecting more to be honest...........surely if anyone would have known how long Allison had a chipped tooth her children or her husband or her mum would have had an idea... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes... well I would have at least asked...he said strangulation doesnt always mean damages to the neck.....if the fabric was wide enough.. well her jacket with fists enclosed was up around her neck...wasnt it??....where it appears to have remained for 11 days.

Cods....can I just say........thank goodness you are on the case discovering obvious things that were way too complicated for an army of coppers and a platoon of Lawyers to see.  Well done.

Now, can you tell me what rights you want 'her' Family to have?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #351 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:11pm
Neferti wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:46pm:
cods wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 4:53pm:
well he has never admitted anything... so in his mind and I am sure mummy and daddies he didnt do it..

and look at the evidence that the jury didnt gear or see..

GBC was looking for women on the world’s largest sex, dating and swingers site on New Year’s Eve 2010

“Looking for discrete (sic) sex,” Gerard Baden-Clay typed.

“Married but don’t want to be – looking for some sex on the side!”

if she the victim had been up to those tricks I am sure it would have been allowed...

it really pizzzzzzzes me off.. and I dont think 15 years is LIFE....not by any 30...or

as with Ivan throw away the key...

we have dreadful laws in this country that can be manipulated by any means if you have the money to pay these people..... and this guy seems to have that...

when he comes out he will live happily ever after...

GBC is GUILTY. Nobody says his isn't, except his parents who think the sun shines out of his arse.

The problem is there there was little forensic evidence.  The body was found 10 days after death ...  the autopsy was "inconclusive" ...

He murdered his wife. That we know. However, there is no evidence to support that it was "intentional".

IF a normal person ACCIDENTALLY caused his wife/girlfriend or whatever to begin to SUFFOCATE, for whatever reason, wouldn't YOU decide "geeze, I am about to KILL the woman I love?"

Innocent until found guilty. Unfortunately and the Lawyers have a field day.

If I accidentally hurt or killed somebody, I would call 000.  NOT hide the body and pretend innocent.

I know that... but look at what the jury were not permitted to see or hear...

seems to me.. she the victim... was even said to be depressed.... when in fact it appears she was more fed up and angry.....but they made quite an issue of her being depressed...but then she couldnt answer for herself could she...

I am talking about the LAW.. the rights they give the ACCUSED...he gets protection but the victims they dont seem to count
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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #352 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:16pm
Neferti wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:05pm:
I am not sure what it is that you want, Cods. The American term "closure"?

1. Allison is dead
2. Gerard did it
3. He gets at least 15 years
4. Nobody will ever trust him again so his life is SHOT
5. He has also ruined his Parents life.   However they think he is innocent.
6. I hope the Dickie family (Allison's parents) who are looking after the girls are OK.

thats one word I hate..

forget it nef you are sounding a bit like our other mate..

its got nothing to do with closure.. just a fair playing field...they fight for justice for the accused.... as is their right.. but what about justice for the victim....

you have said yourself this appeal could even be tokenism....

that is right.. thats all I am saying... I kn wo he is guilty..

you say no body will ever trust him ... you dont know that at all he might have a whole army out there waiting to catch him when he comes out.... no telling any time after 10 years.......his team will get him every second off they can....he could even do an Alan Bond... I am dying... only he wasnt..

its ok nef ...

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #353 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:19pm
Aussie wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:34pm:
Alinta wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:24pm:
red baron wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 5:52pm:
I have been reading all this too Cods but I can't find a single reason why his conviction should be downgraded to Manslaughter.

The big question you have to ask yourself is...IS BADEN CLAY having a giant lend of everyone, I say he is, with bells on. Never bullsh.t a bullsh..ter!!!!!

Baden Clay is a bona fide Murderer, most probably a Sociopath too. Don't know what the eggheads think about him but he ticks all the boxes for mine.

Personally, I think he is a vile person....beneath contempt.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find too many people who would say "nice man"

However, that is irrelevant to comment/s I make about the trial, appeals and points of law etc.......can't let personal feelings into play.

That is of interest.....before you jump in the cool pool.

If the manslaughter outcome is upheld after the High Court has done its job..............tell me.....why......given he caused (without intent to kill) her death?

Is it because:

1.  He had an affair...
2.  He was broke...
3.  (After she was no longer feeling anything at all.....deceased) he did.........x....y.....z to cover up an 'innocent' event everyone of us could face in a domestic violence situation?

Definitely not 1 or 2. 

3......the x...y.....z, essentially yes. That she was no longer feeling anything at all....and that others may find themselves facing a like situation ...has no effect on my opinion.

It's deeper than that though.........I need to think about how best to express it to effectively convey.........but not tonight!!!
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #354 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:24pm
The victim is the dead person. The accused is often the husband.  He is INNOCENT until proved GUILTY.

His parents still think he is INNOCENT. If he was your son, would you sell your house to finance Lawyers?
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #355 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:30pm
Alinta wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:19pm:
Aussie wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:34pm:
Alinta wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:24pm:
red baron wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 5:52pm:
I have been reading all this too Cods but I can't find a single reason why his conviction should be downgraded to Manslaughter.

The big question you have to ask yourself is...IS BADEN CLAY having a giant lend of everyone, I say he is, with bells on. Never bullsh.t a bullsh..ter!!!!!

Baden Clay is a bona fide Murderer, most probably a Sociopath too. Don't know what the eggheads think about him but he ticks all the boxes for mine.

Personally, I think he is a vile person....beneath contempt.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find too many people who would say "nice man"

However, that is irrelevant to comment/s I make about the trial, appeals and points of law etc.......can't let personal feelings into play.

That is of interest.....before you jump in the cool pool.

If the manslaughter outcome is upheld after the High Court has done its job..............tell me.....why......given he caused (without intent to kill) her death?

Is it because:

1.  He had an affair...
2.  He was broke...
3.  (After she was no longer feeling anything at all.....deceased) he did.........x....y.....z to cover up an 'innocent' event everyone of us could face in a domestic violence situation?

Definitely not 1 or 2. 

3......the x...y.....z, essentially yes. That she was no longer feeling anything at all....and that others may find themselves facing a like situation ...has no effect on my opinion.

It's deeper than that though.........I need to think about how best to express it to effectively convey.........but not tonight!!!

#3 is a deliberate challenge, and you are right to leave it alone tonight.  I'm not even on my first VB but I will have a few later when ankle biters go to sleep.  It always had me a tad bewildered.  We allow medical students to do what they like with cadavers, yet we get all hairy chested and emotional about what others do when ...... life is extinct, and.......well.........nothing.   I really hope no-one gives a rat's arse what happens to me after I am deceased.  Have your evil way if you must.  "No skin off my nose."  Heck....there may even be a bitch fight about whether I'll be buried or burned.  Guess what?  I've long lost interest by then.

The offence of 'interfering with a corpse' was always a mystery to me.
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #356 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:41pm
Aussie wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:30pm:
#3 is a deliberate challenge, and you are right to leave it alone tonight.  I'm not even on my first VB but I will have a few later when ankle biters go to sleep.  It always had me a tad bewildered.  We allow medical students to do what they like with cadavers, yet we get all hairy chested and emotional about what others do when ...... life is extinct, and.......well.........nothing.   I really hope no-one gives a rat's arse what happens to me after I am deceased.  Have your evil way if you must.  "No skin off my nose."  Heck....there may even be a bitch fight about whether I'll be buried or burned.  Guess what?  I've long lost interest by then.

The offence of 'interfering with a corpse' was always a mystery to me.

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #357 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:45pm
I am getting BLOODY sick of hearing and reading about this.

A manslaughter verdict is perfectly reasonable and acceptable, as is the jail-term, given the circumstances.

Accept it, and shut the HELL up!
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #358 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:48pm
Aussie wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:30pm:
#3 is a deliberate challenge, and you are right to leave it alone tonight.  I'm not even on my first VB but I will have a few later when ankle biters go to sleep.  It always had me a tad bewildered.  We allow medical students to do what they like with cadavers, yet we get all hairy chested and emotional about what others do when ...... life is extinct, and.......well.........nothing.   I really hope no-one gives a rat's arse what happens to me after I am deceased.  Have your evil way if you must.  "No skin off my nose."  Heck....there may even be a bitch fight about whether I'll be buried or burned.  Guess what?  I've long lost interest by then.

The offence of 'interfering with a corpse' was always a mystery to me.

So, strangling/suffocating your wife/partner in the house and then moving the body to, say, a bridge and throwing it over, is OK with YOU, Aussie?

It is an OFFENCE! You do know what an offence is, don't you?  Grin
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #359 - Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:55pm
Kat wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:45pm:
I am getting BLOODY sick of hearing and reading about this.

A manslaughter verdict is perfectly reasonable and acceptable, as is the jail-term, given the circumstances.

Accept it, and shut the HELL up!



The Gaol Term was LIFE with 15 years before Parole. NOW since he has had his sentence reduced from MURDER to MANSLAUGHTER it could mean that he will be out in 10 years.

IF it was your relative who was MURDERED, would you be happy with 10 years?
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