Alinta wrote on Jan 1
st, 2016 at 9:43pm:
I didn't mean to infer intentions in the sense of law Cods ie intention to kill or not to kill.
What I meant to convey was following Allison's death, Baden-Clay engaged in a series of actions orchestrated solely to protect his own arse........hence, nothing else, or no-one else, mattered to him in doing so. Cold, calculated subterfuge.
got it..
I thought you meant it was obvious in the case.....
have you read the Book..The Murder of Allison Baden-Clay...
mustnt forget the hyphen..

it shows what a selfish self interested person he is..
so everything he did was self preservation.....
look even down to the name change....

it speaks volumes what type of people they are.....
its all about the
name you know?????..