Aussie wrote on Dec 8
th, 2015 at 7:38pm:
Great. Explain why, given he did not intend to kill.
Get with the Plan arsie, Gerard Baden-ClaY hasn't said he did anything, he is INNOCENT, remember?
He has no idea why his wife's DNA was found in his car, or how she ended up in that river bed. It's NOT his fault. He WAS all alone, minding his own business (and having bit on the side ...) when his wife "went out for a jog" (wasn't that the excuse?) and never came back.
Did he frantically look for her? No. I think he left it for ages before even calling 000 to report her "missing".
Then with tears in his eyes and his Mother treating him like her "baby" off to the Police they went .......
How many times do you use a razor and cut your face like it was done with fingernails?
The JURY of 12 said he was GUILTY. Now some dumb
Defence Lawyer has used WORDS to get this criminal's sentence reduced from MURDER to Manslaughter (it was an accident). Fair bloody go.
He deserves 25+ years in the clink. Or do think males should be able to punch up their women and (perhaps) murder them and get away with it?