Aussie wrote on Jan 5
th, 2016 at 8:27pm:
Not on my part. I presented a relevant and simple scenario, and cods et al (perhaps realising exactly how relevant it was) ran for the cover of blatant abuse (which I have reported) or feigned ignorance/obfuscation, and could not bring themselves to answer a very obvious question
alinta.....I do hope you have read this post..

this is what I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH
and then I get it for not answering him........
I am quite certain to call another person deranged, is personal criticism. That is what you resorted to.
even grap gets on the train..

out of the reason just to take a pot shot at cods...
now I am being accused and REPORTED for abuse.
have you noticed he doesnt say WHAT THE ABUSE lets leave that to his imagination....
You have to be joking! You don't reckon 'he is deranged' is personal criticism?
along with his HYPOTHETICAL....
I am fed up with this guy turning every thread I get involved in....into a lets make cods look like a the ignorant bitch
I think she is......
I have made zero effort to make you 'look like the ignorant bitch.'
FERFUXSAKES NUMPTY...I dont care what you think...I have nothing to say to you....
and I think that is my right...
leave me alone or I will report you for stalking...and your lies....go away I dont think I can be any plainer than that....
Sorry cods, this is a public Forum, and I am entitled to present my point of view, just like you are. You are entirely free to attack that view, just like I am free to attack yours. You have no immunity card here, no-one does.