Neferti wrote on Jan 14
th, 2016 at 4:08pm:
You haven't said ANYTHING worthwhile, you just hit the "I disagree" button .... EXCEPT THAT YOU SEEM TO THINK HE IS INNOCENT and probably should be APOLOGISED to for the JURY finding him GUILTY.
You should be so lucky that NOTHING dreadful ever happens to you and your family.
You may be a "progressive" Greg but you certainly do NOT have any empathy.
nef you dont understand ..
you are not allowed to disagree with the COURT especially with the court of appeal...and now two people on here...
know the LAW IS RIGHT>. and of course that makes them right...
it must be lovely to have the court of appeal judges.. two men and one super lady.. agree with you....can you imagine being in that sort of company..
always right...
goodness me....its so powerful...
the thing is we know how we think nef....
.and we think the LAW is an ass... and its our right to think that..
.after all how can anyone possibley know what someones INTENTION WAS beyond a reasonable doubt...
when you think of all the stress he was under..
I would think he was like a coil
and any one little trigger would make him snap......
I mean we often hear it in other cases...
"I dont know why I did it I just snapped."
...a spur of the moment thing...
why not Gerard?>...
ahhhhh but its his INTENTIONS THAT MATTER..