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Baden Clay wins appeal. (Read 100461 times)
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #930 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 4:17pm
red baron wrote on Jan 15th, 2016 at 4:08pm:
What would I expect Aussie from a husband whose wife has gone missing in mysterious circumstances?

Some form of humanity, no matter if they had been arguing for a long time. If your wife, the mother of your children goes missing in these circumstances I would expect the partner (Gerard) to show some form of humanity.

And where did he not display humility?

He always appeared as though he had just been reading the newspaper, instead of someone concerned at the sudden disappearance of a wife who had no record of suddenly walking off the point.

I look exactly the same when I am pissed off as when I am not pissed off.  Means nothing.

Just too pat...too casual..for mine. Like he already knew the answers and was ten steps in front of everyone. Which by the way..he still is..After all, he managed to confuse the Appeal Judges...even though that BIG QUESTION  of the Million Dollar Payday just didn't really come into it...did it!

Oh yeas it did Mr Baron, and the Cops/Prosecutor/Crown knew there was nothing in it, and quite specifically (and sensibly) did not attempt to argue that it established an intent to kill, given all the circumstances which included that not one of his creditors was hassling him, and that the financial situation was not sudden or had existed for many months before she died.
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #931 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 4:52pm
You are joking Aussie, there was an incredulous Neglect on a Grand Scale from my P.O.V. from the Crown Prosecutor in relation to the $967,000 Insurance Policy on Alison Baden-Clay's life

Where did they dredge this Crown Prosecutor up from? How could he virtually dismiss, what should have been one of the cornerstones of the Crown Case

Motive: Gerard was a financial train wreck

             Alison Baden-Clay had a Life Insurance Policy        for     $967,000

             Gerard's personal life was in ruins and he had argued heavily and over a long period with Alison regarding his constant philandering

              Therein lies the reason why Gerard had high motivation to kill his troublesome wife and clear all his financial troubles in one fell swoop

That is WHY he murdered Alison

PS The Cops did their job and included aspects of Alison's Life Insurance in their papers. It was the Crown Prosecutor who dropped the ball in grand fashion
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #932 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 4:56pm
red baron wrote on Jan 15th, 2016 at 4:52pm:
You are joking Aussie, there was an incredulous Neglect on a Grand Scale from my P.O.V. from the Crown Prosecutor in relation to the $967,000 Insurance Policy on Alison Baden-Clay's life

Where did they dredge this Crown Prosecutor up from? How could he virtually dismiss, what should have been one of the cornerstones of the Crown Case

Motive: Gerard was a financial train wreck

             Alison Baden-Clay had a Life Insurance Policy        for     $967,000

             Gerard's personal life was in ruins and he had argued heavily and over a long period with Alison regarding his constant philandering

              Therein lies the reason why Gerard had high motivation to kill his troublesome wife and clear all his financial troubles in one fell swoop

That is WHY he murdered Alison

....and how did he murder her?
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #933 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:00pm
I am HYPOTHESISING strangulation, that's where she got all that vegetation from their own yard on her, in her hair, everywhere on her person, during the struggle for her life

It was where Alison scraped her fingernails on his face in a desperate attempt to save herself

Yet...where her body was found there was no such vegetation that was on her body, at that site
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #934 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:15pm
red baron wrote on Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:00pm:
I am HYPOTHESISING strangulation, that's where she got all that vegetation from their own yard on her, in her hair, everywhere on her person, during the struggle for her life

It was where Alison scraped her fingernails on his face in a desperate attempt to save herself

Yet...where her body was found there was no such vegetation that was on her body, at that site

No one says she was strangled.  No one says she was smothered.  The forensic experts have no idea what the cause of her death was.

And here is another hypothesis.......

She had the poos, big time.  Money, his adultery, her own loss of self esteem...did not get to further her career as a dancer.....that was his fault......medication, perhaps booze........gets up him verbally.  She rakes her fingernails across his face.  He ups the ante.......outside they asleep.....she keeps it up....he pushes her......she falls....head contacts ground and  her head hair comes into contact with those vegetation remnants there.......she does not get up......she is dead......he panics......etc etc.

While any plausible hypotheses (and that is not the only one I could conjure up) consistent with no intent to kill......proof of an essential element of murder is missing.
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #935 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:18pm
Thought of submitting that synopsis to Hollywood Aussie, you could make your fortune and not have to worry about Uber anymore...heh heh heh Wink
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #936 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:20pm
red baron wrote on Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:18pm:
Thought of submitting that synopsis to Hollywood Aussie, you could make your fortune and not have to worry about Uber anymore...heh heh heh Wink

No.....any Lawyer person could come up with that.  It is just one plausible hypothesis (consistent with his innocence) open on the evidence.
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #937 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:24pm
You're dreamin' Aussie, you know my last scenario is most probably as close to the truth, of what actually happened because it makes sense. Like the pieces of a jig saw puzzle coming together.

Yours...well..the less said the better
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #938 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:27pm
red baron wrote on Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:24pm:
You're dreamin' Aussie, you know my last scenario is most probably as close to the truth, of what actually happened because it makes sense. Like the pieces of a jig saw puzzle coming together.

Yours...well..the less said the better

Around and around we go.  I have three Appeal Court Judges, one retired Supreme Court Judge who made public comments, and many others in the profession who agree with me.  If the High Court does....where will you go then?
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #939 - Jan 15th, 2016 at 7:43pm
red baron wrote on Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:00pm:
I am HYPOTHESISING strangulation, that's where she got all that vegetation from their own yard on her, in her hair, everywhere on her person, during the struggle for her life

It was where Alison scraped her fingernails on his face in a desperate attempt to save herself

Yet...where her body was found there was no such vegetation that was on her body, at that site

rb did you see my reply 921.....I am flat out reading the book again.. its amazing how much you forget..
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #940 - Jan 16th, 2016 at 7:37am
Aussie you could well have the whole Legal mob in your corner and it doesn't go that that is right.

Where did I get strangulation from, from the Coroner's report. The coroner 'didn't say she died from strangulation' but he did say it couldn't be ruled out.

It is a possibility. The manner in which Gerard murdered her will be shrouded in question marks, however, the circumstantial case against him is in my opinion overpowering.

Murderers across the world are found guilty every day of the week on circumstantial evidence.

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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #941 - Jan 16th, 2016 at 7:41am
cods I have read all your posts which are well thought out and reveal the amount of research you have done on this subject. We must strive to keep the infidels at bay.

I want Justice for Alison Baden-Clay and at the moment I don't see her getting it.

As only 11% on average of High Court Appeals get up, I am not holding my breath for the outcome of that one.

My best guess is that they will uphold the Appeal decision, after all we can't have the 'three wise monkeys' looking bad, can we.

When its all said and done the Legal Profession is a Club and when they are under attack, which they are, they will close ranks.  A small part of me holds out hope that Justice will eventually prevail. answer your question 'do I believe she was thrown from the bridge' my OWN opinion. I believe she was dead before she was thrown. I believe Gerard strangled her at the family home during a violent struggle. Put her in the rear of her own car (where she bled and Gerard didn't quite do the clean up he should have and left traces of her blood in the rear of the car) and conveyed her to the bridge where he disposed of her.
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« Last Edit: Jan 16th, 2016 at 8:00am by red baron »  
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #942 - Jan 16th, 2016 at 11:00am
red baron wrote on Jan 16th, 2016 at 7:41am:
cods I have read all your posts which are well thought out and reveal the amount of research you have done on this subject. We must strive to keep the infidels at bay.

I want Justice for Alison Baden-Clay and at the moment I don't see her getting it.

As only 11% on average of High Court Appeals get up, I am not holding my breath for the outcome of that one.

My best guess is that they will uphold the Appeal decision, after all we can't have the 'three wise monkeys' looking bad, can we.

When its all said and done the Legal Profession is a Club and when they are under attack, which they are, they will close ranks.  A small part of me holds out hope that Justice will eventually prevail. answer your question 'do I believe she was thrown from the bridge' my OWN opinion. I believe she was dead before she was thrown. I believe Gerard strangled her at the family home during a violent struggle. Put her in the rear of her own car (where she bled and Gerard didn't quite do the clean up he should have and left traces of her blood in the rear of the car) and conveyed her to the bridge where he disposed of her.

why would she bleed i n the car  after she was dead?????.. this is what makes me think she could have still been breathing....

which says YES HE DID INTEND  KILLING  HER... which is what the APPEAL IS ABOUT 

his intention...

his lawyer havent disputed HE KILLED HER....they just claim he didnt INTEND to and in fact she probably killed herself by hitting him and  falling back and etc etc etc...its easy to do dont forget.. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes...they claim the defence DIDNT PROVE INTENTION TO KILL..

which to me means every murderer must have a history of violence  Roll be PROVED BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT....he INTENDED to kill.. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

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Australian Politics

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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #943 - Jan 16th, 2016 at 11:02am
btw red I have just read another interesting bit in the book... if you are interested I could send it to you on PM...I am a bit over us skeptics say being let me know..
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red baron
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Re: Baden Clay wins appeal.
Reply #944 - Jan 16th, 2016 at 12:19pm
cods I will post this one up for everyone because of the big interest in this case.

Your question about not bleeding after her death i.e. in the car if she was dead when placed in it.

Yes you can still bleed after death.

Yes. If death occurred less than ten hours before observation, the blood will not have coagulated and it may still leak out of any post-mortem cuts or penetrations. After about ten hours, the blood thickens in the capillaries, unable to travel, resulting in permanent blue staining called hypostasis. This coagulated blood, if it oozes at all, will not ooze easily.
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