Emma wrote on Dec 12
th, 2015 at 1:57am:
That WAS a weather event.!!!
I still had my homeline, which was operational.. but no power and no techy stuff.!! I really couldn't care less, its just something else to deal with in this, the real world.

I'm with you there. Wouldn't be hooked-up.. but...oh well some things are too difficult to explain.
I live quite happily in this real world. I don't tweet or FACE or any of that other garbage. What a world.. the kids are welcome to it.!
I only have a computer and mobile phone because it was prudent about 10 yrs ago. I still like to have my mobile with me when I drive... an obvious security measure, and I use it to check the radar from BOM,, the progress of local storms a perfect example. Otherwise..? nah not something i NEED. Altho have some good photos on it. Not into 'selfies'

my Goodness me, when did people become so stupid.?
Well, maybe I forgot the practicalities of it for country people that need to know what the weather is and stuff but obviously i'm speaking from a city slicker Point of View

I'm not totally unconnected of course but I only use email to sign up to a internet forum or something: i don't bank on the internet but of course- once again- it really is a practicality thing if you live out in the sticks.
We all have our hang-ups and me... i just threw that phone away ten years ago and have been happy ever since.

Hey, now I think about it it's probably the same day I gave up smoking boring crack