I guess that's always an option.
Of course, it's not one I think FD is going to leap to voluntarily, it does not truly seem that content (for the main part) is an issue for him, just as long as posts and hits keep coming in.
Further, for my part, I see this as the same as "banning" requests. Futile, pointless and useless.
Look at some of the requests/demands for bans - oh yes they come from both teams of crazies (yep, if you are rusted on to either Labor or Liberal you're crazy as a loon in my humble opinion). Mostly based on differences of opinion that, overtime, have gotten completely out of hand - there are, in effect no good guys in this.
I do not support PA in anyway shape or form - however, it seems to me, that is the extent of protest that I can effectively make. Firstly, it does not rely on anyone else's support, say so or efforts. Secondly, I make no demands, requests or calls for sympathy/support. If people chose to support an idea of have, that's totally up to them, likewise, those who do not or disagree is up to them. If I don't like the method of agreeing/disagreeing, that's up to me and I can either engage and fight it out (some already recognise how futile that fight is), or move on.
Now if someone is pushing their shyte to the point where they have broken a law etc, then that becomes an external matter - simple as that. Of course, if one choses to let the shyte go, usually things do not escalate too much. Hmm, maybe that can be framed as appeasement, however, this is just an internet forum - one has very limited "power" to act overtly doesn't one? So, we can all either fight the futile, never ending circle jerk fight, or move on.
That's all out choice.
I don't disagree with you about asking the question though, that is certainly your right. I think you need to be prepared for disappointment though, that would seem the most likely outcome.
Futher, it's just not worth the effort.
My 2c worth.