Dnarever wrote on Dec 11
th, 2015 at 10:19am:
thats sad....
Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 11
th, 2015 at 10:25am:
EVERYONE , and I mean EVERYONE who works in a mobile environment in this day and age has answered the phone or read a text message, at some point, while driving. Anyone who says they haven't is lying.
When I was 18, my girlfriend died while using her phone in the car in a collision with a Pantech truck. I didn't yet have my licence at that time but I have NEVER, not once in my entire life, used or even looked at my phone while driving. One time it rang while I was driving and I instinctively looked down at the passenger seat at it for a split second then looked back at the road realising it was dangerous to look down there. From that time on, I always had my phone on silent and if anyone called or texted me, they could wait until I finished my journey. I don't plan on getting myself or someone else killed/hurt because I wasn't giving the road my full attention. I couldn't forgive myself if that happened.
you can see the error of the whole thing when you have been involved cant you.?? I am sorry to hear that.. we have of course no way of knowing the dangers of the past.. but I am sure they wouldnt have brought in a law to stop it if it wasnt worth it..
will we stop the IDIOTS that still break the LAW>. of course we wont..
but we do expect MORE FROM OUR LEADERS... well at least Libs do..
sorry to see how flippant our lefty friends are.. when it comes to one of their own...no thats not true..
they are all about supporting their own no matter what....even stealing is worth supporting..
shortarse can do no wrong......he will be there next election getting their full support.