scientific zealots are going down the wrong track and are as dogmatic as religious zealots.
science seems very pleased with itself but lets have a look at whats really happening.
science is very good at looking at simple things with few variables.
so science can produce a microchip that does billions of computations and science can make the internet and science can manipulate a gene and lead to advances in medicine.
but we get all this stuff because
"thats the easy stuff" and the easy stuff always comes first.
but science cant answer the complex questions and the complex questions are not easy though they are much more important.
science cant answer why we have record levels of depression.
science cant answer why people are , more and more, suffering from negative neurotic thinking.
science cant answer the record levels of obesity.
no scientific study can tell you what career to take.
no scientific study can tell you who to marry.
science is a good thing but dont think it is going to answer the major questions about peace and happiness.
You will need great thinkers to answer those.
You can become a great thinker or you can read what great thinkers have said and save yourself decades of struggle.
start with the buddha, socrates, plato, jesus christ, marcus aurelius , luther, St Francis of Assisi, confusius, gandhi , Tony Robbins, Warren Buffet and Lao Tzu .
none of them are scientists , but worth a read