Super Nova wrote on Dec 14
th, 2015 at 9:17pm:
Accusations of this sort need some evidence or foundation otherwise it's just mindless slander.
Yep, I would agree whole heartedly. Of course, I would also point out that is not consistently applied regarding all posters now...
AiA wrote on Dec 15
th, 2015 at 2:54am:
This schitt never ends, does it? Unlike Jovial Monk not all of us have 20 hours a day for this nonsense. Some of us have busy careers and families even ... Skip is IQ? Please. Monk used to try to convince Annie that I was Deepthought because he was sooooo jealous of our phone calls and emails
He went on and on about me being Animal Mother. It never ends.
Yeah, I know right, like calling someone by the wrong gender, consistently and deliberately....
Neferti wrote on Dec 15
th, 2015 at 7:44am:
You know full well that Skippy is NOT IQSRLOW.
Why are you saying that he is? Wouldn't that be obvious? To score a hit, to try to get a rise to be mean...
Too funny...
Black Orchid wrote on Dec 15
th, 2015 at 11:08am:
I don't know what sort of game you are playing.
Wow, seriously? It looks all too familiar to this one...
skippy. wrote on Dec 15
th, 2015 at 3:27pm:
It's hard to have to sit here and read the absolute lies she keeps writing about me
Who is holding the gun to your head son? You don't
have to sit here, that's your choice. You could always chose to sit at your own board too you know... You still don't have to though...
It seems rather odd that PA business is needed on Oz Pol, but I guess one spittoon is simply not enough for some...
Thanks for the laughs though folks. Keep up the good work.