Grappler Truth Teller Feller
Gold Member
Australian Politics
Posts: 84750
Proud pre-1850's NO Voter
Argh, Me Lod.. it be yer convict colony start-up, yer see.. yer peasants've allus been treated loike turd class citizens an' such, and they respond ter that kind of treatment by BEIN' turd class.... an' boi bein' what are essentially an oppressed class livin' in fear o' their overlord's displeasure....
No' fer no reason, Me Loid, 'as the p'lice been roightly dubbed "T' Aristrocacy O' T' Bush", where, fer 'xample, they 'olds sway over ever'thin' that goes on wit' their tame 'magistrates' toein' the loine for 'em an' accepting any tommy rot schtory they comes up wiv ter git some 'new bloke in town' or some Blackfella or jes' anyone what takes their fancy.
Taken a long toime ter begin ter sort 'at out.. an' in the meantime millions've suffered, loike yer Ned Kelly see, 'cause o' this kind of oppressive thuggery.....
Goes on an' 'as carried inter yer cities 's well, creatin' a 'lower class' o' people wiv essentially no legal roights.....
Can't blame 'em fer turnin' a bloind eye to the shenanigans o' 'em what's set 'emselves up azh 'better class', ven, can yer? 'At's t' root o' ALL evil in 'is country, Guv!
As serious as the comment above is, though, the kinds of things described are outrageous and I'd find it hard to believe that men at work would actually do that kind of stuff in this day and age..... women have been part of the scenery on such jobs for ages now, and here at least, are treated the same as everyone else. Any such nonsense would be punished severely.
I suppose the mortgage breaker would help a lot... I'd work for two years and cop that for $1.3m.... trouble is if I complained it'd be laughed at.....
BTW - what was the evidence? All the guys who did these things come forward and dob themselves and mates in? I'm always uneasy over these kinds of Star Chamber proceedings where the intent is to shift wealth and power from one group to another....... as a matter of social policy..........