Alinta wrote on Dec 18
th, 2015 at 8:42am:
Herb, what were you searching for when you found the link ???????
I was looking up about the 'very thick forests' in southern WA which were cleared for farming back in around 1927 near Walpole - and which a descendant of the original farming community now says the clearing of the forest was a tragic mistake.
I was immediately reminded of the magnificent Huon forests of southwest Tasmania which thank god have since been saved from any more timber-mill destruction.
You have some beautiful timbers in this country. I have a Grevillia Robusta in my own backyard that is famous for being fine-grained and excellent for cabinet-making.
I also have the privilege of owning a home in which the timbers are made from hard wood the likes of which no houses today are being framed with - and all that's being used today is crappy, cheap garbage like Oregon wood.
I've had a rose wood table - fabulous. My neighbour had furniture made entirely out of Dutch Oak.
Teak ... Mahogany ... Huon ... etc etc ... beautiful to look at and beautiful to touch.
I haven't seen a piece of Mulga wood for years now ...
I understand now...........I was thinking way way outside the square...