mariacostel wrote on Dec 19
th, 2015 at 12:41pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 19
th, 2015 at 9:52am:
mariacostel wrote on Dec 18
th, 2015 at 6:08pm:
It's Norway and they also have the highest cost of living in the world. Once the oil runs out they are in big trouble because they have pretty much nothing else.
So...... in Oz where our costs of living have been artificially inflated through the roof via 'privatisation' and other grabs for cash by the insiders and booms in artificially inflated housing prices to suit the insiders (again) ... and where we've only had, for ages now, your much-beloved mining boom now defunct......... Australia is not in big trouble right now with the collapse of that mining boom?
What is your answer to the economy's woes built in by successive governments of fools on all sides? Rob the poor again? Make it impossible for them to eat asa means of stimulating the economy? Tax 'em all to death and feed your mates in the eternal hope that somehow they won't piss it away on nice houses and offshore trips and lifestyle, but will actually invest in something solid here in Oz to restore some (LMAO) 'trickle-down' to the starving peasants?
I could answer, but really, what would be the point? What is the chance you could stay non-delusional long enough to understand? The rubbish you post mainly identifies your cognitive deficits as well as your mental health issues.
You use of words, as usual, out-strips your actual knowledge by many a country mile..... and your ethics and attitude are those of the kind of gutter snakes which inhabit Liberal party rooms....
You can't answer the question, can you? I'll try it in small words for you:-
Since the mining boom has virtually collapsed here, as you say will occur in Norway, and our costs of living have boomed to meet that supposed boom and the supposed profitability of the country as a whole - and Norway has salted away billions in interest bearing areas, whereas Australia has only salted away the futures fund for politicians and public servants - how then - since OUR 'boom' has collapsed... will Australia NOT HERE AND NOW be in the trouble you say Norway will be in?
Not that hard really..... and I'd say more penetrating than 'delusional' as you so desperately seek to suggest.... now answer the question or go home.
Fish in a barrel, these purported Liberal private school twerps..... fish in a barrel...