Maqqa, i get where you are coming from and in essence (if what you said was true, and i believe you believe it to be) i agree with you .... the ideal model is separation of church and state ... but you've got the pathways all wrong.
Thank you. But I think you misunderstood slightly
Firstly, secularism didn't arise from Christianity. It arose despite Christianity. And it didn't just arise in Christian dominated parts of the world. It arose in many, Muslim countries included. What you need to remember is that Christianity disgraced itself so effectively, it gave rise to a counter-culture. To many counter-cultures in fact. Most were horribly persecuted, some still are, but that's how it goes, what?
You'll note I said the secularism for the Christians started after the crusades. However before the Christians the Jews and other religious institutions have meddled in government in one form or another. Greeks, Romans, Chinese etc.
Secondly, what i don't know about Sharia Law is considerably more than i do but i am certain i know more than you. Sharia Law isn't some blanket thing. It is actually applied differently across the board and not all applications are as brutal as say, the Saudis. In many instances it is a perfectly reasonable application of law, fair and humane. I want to clarify that any application of Sharia Law that involves the harming of another human being or diminishing the rights of women is categorically rejected by me.
You'll also note in my post I didn't refer to any particular application of Sharia Law and I didn't refer to violence against women in this instance. However Sharia Law is a mix of religious and common law. It is the religious law portion which calls for the rejection of other religion. It is also the religious law portion that dictates and dominates the common law portion as well
But let us not forget that Christianity too has it's proponents that harm other people and diminish the rights of women. Women are not equal to men in Christianity.
As I have mentioned there are remnants of Christianity in our laws until this very day
In short Maqqa, you are romanticising Christianity and demonising Islam. You are incorrect on both counts.
In this thread I am simply saying that Islamic Laws have not evolved even after 920 years. It is still based on Q'ran, Sunnah, Haddith
I reiterate, i idealise a separation of church and state, whatever the church may be, and on that we agree.
Agreed. And this is where it peeves me to no end the moderate Muslim community has not strongly gone on the offensive. Saudi, UAE and other rich states that has Sharia law are only successful at it because their wealth. If we ask the women in those Sharia Law state
"If you can live under another set of Laws where you have the same rights as men and Allah would think no less of you?"
I think they would