Having said that, I think hemp is illegal predominantly because it would have stopped the cotton industry in its tracks...
Nothing to do with public health and/or safety, that's just the convenient (who says propaganda doesn't work) spin to give weight to outlawing the plant.
Arguably, one of the most (if not the most) versatile plants on the planet as far as usefulness to us goes at any rate.
You can make rope with it (not just any rope, very good quality rope).
Paper, a wide range of materials (textile), soap, health supplements, skin products, cleaning products, oils, excellent for mulching, fast growing so very market friendly then, as has been pointed out a remarkable range of medicinal purposes/uses that are effective.
And apparently for more than a few people, it provides a humorous high - how extraordinarily evil of it...
So, those who want control of the "free market" would rather it remain illegal, it is far to hard to monopolise - far to easy to access...
Public Health, pfft, it's all about the money being made.