matty wrote on Dec 21
st, 2015 at 7:20pm:
Not only does the progressive left want to rid the words "Merry Christmas", and placate the Muslims with the "less offensive" "Happy Holidays", but now they are trying to get Christmas carols off the radios. This is also in line with the noticeably fewer nativity sets seen in shopping malls and other places. Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, but the progressive left thinks it is too "offensive" to Muslims. This country was founded on Christian values and we need to stand up to these shrill and nasty bigoted leftists before they further damage this once great country.
Oh, Matty, that God you're back from Rhode Island. The leftards have been getting our country into a frightful pickle. Not only did their hideous leftard politician take over our country, but they won't even let Mr Abbott do his job as our Roads and Infrastructure prime Minister.
This Christmas carol thing is terrible too. It is strange though - all I hear in the shops are Christmas carols. It's the same on radio and TV. Not one person has ever said happy holidays to me. Not one. Even the bigoted leftards say merry Christmas. I've got cards from plenty of them. And there are nativity scenes in the two local malls. There's even a nativity scene and flashing Christmas lights outside my local mosque, can you believe it?
If anything, there are noticeably
more nativity scenes.
You're probably talking about America, where you moved to avoid the carbon tax. Did you know it's been axed?
We have so much to catch up on, Matty. We can't possibly vote for the Libs again - not after what they did to our Prime Minister. I'm not sure our Pauline will be running either. Even the lovely Sophie's off in some cushy job. We need her now more than ever.
Have you thought of rejoining the Greens? They have a new leader now. He seems quite nice. Who will you be voting for next time?