Kytro wrote on Dec 24
th, 2015 at 9:41am:
aquascoot wrote on Dec 24
th, 2015 at 7:04am:
if Adam Goodes gets a million a year, thats probably 50 x what a player in the VFL gets.
no complaints here.
the market is the market is the market.
its the only game in town.
improve improve improve.
find one of these executives, save up and take him out for a 500 dollar meal and ask him how he did it.
The market is also very, very stupid sometimes.
That is not the point kyrto.
the point is that the market is "reality"
soil, rain, seed ....this is the farmers reality.
would it do any good to curse the soil, curse the rain, curse the seed.
Thats all you've got!!.
Dont curse all you've got.
the miracle has been set up for you.
all you need to do is be active and plant the seed.
imagine if you had to work out how to produce a piece of corn.
that would keep you up late at night.
but you dont.
you just have to plant the seed.
and the market is the same.
you just have to be an active participant .
dont curse it.
this stuff is too easy
getting rich is too easy.
you live in australia.
you dont have to change countries !!