Armchair_Politician wrote on Dec 25
th, 2015 at 5:56pm:
I can just smell the printing presses at work printing our posters for the Unions' next WorkChoices scare campaign...
Like Labors scare campaign last election with warning about increasing the GST and removing penalty rates that the conservative and their supporters claimed was untrue and look where we are today.
The problem with Labors claims are that they tens to come true very quickly.
Cuts to education, Health and the ABC were supposedly unfounded scare campaigns in 2013 as was the threat to penalty rates and increasing the GST.
These Lib Idiots and their supporters have a hide to make claims about scare campaigns with their hideous record.
Remember how many elections we went in to with the Liberals making scare claims about Labor increasing the GST ?
That is correct the same old same old who today support increasing the biggest new tax we ever had by a record tax increase amount are the same people who were scared to death that Labor could do the same thing and thus cause the world to end ???
The same people terrified by the prospect of a few hundred companies paying for their pollution and pleased to see the greatest tax increase in Australia's history.