Neferti wrote on Dec 25
th, 2015 at 6:17pm:
Should you want to read the entire article and avoid the "paywall", go to Tim Blair's Blog .... will NEVER vote for Labor (or the Greens) but I will NOT vote for Liberal while Turncoat is the illegal PM. I think many of us "rusted on Liberals" think the same thing. So I have a choice ... Informal with rude words on the ballot or I just don't bother and pay the 20 bucks. I repeat, I will NOT vote for the Coalition while Turnbull is there.
IF Shortarse becomes the next PM ... blame Turncoat.
nef only ETHICAL people will see turncoat as ILLEGAL>..
and we
know who they are,,
we dont have to call someone names or twist words to suit an agenda.....when of course it suits them???..

we are up front.. did you see one leftie be appalled at what shortarse did....

no you didnt because not one of them did..
in fact BRUTUS is now KING and they will vote for him..
he hasnt got a clue about anything except extortion...
he wouldnt know how to be LOYAL if his life depended on it..
everything he does is about BILL...
he would absolutely destroy this country for PENALTY RATES...
he is clueless
but they will vote for him
at least I havent seen one rusted on claim they wont...

they have no pride at all.. no dignity.. no honor..they just believe in winning at all costs...
Bill in my opinion is the lowest rung...
turncoat is not far behind...
I neither like nor trust either of the buggers....and I am not too proud to admit it..
I am disgusted with the Liberal party right now and they will have to go a bloody long way to win me back.....
unlike lefties they cannot pour sh!t on me and get away with it..
if thats called LEGAL well it dont work with me..