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Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates (Read 2579 times)
Sir Crook
Ex Member

Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Dec 28th, 2015 at 6:10am
Advocacy group says residents who live near a rail station should pay more rates   Sad

    December 24, 2015
    Sydney Morning Herald

Residents who live within 800 metres of a new light rail or train station would pay extra council rates, under a model proposed to fund public transport in the future.   Sad

In a report released on Wednesday, advocacy group the Committee for Sydney called for residents who lived within a 10-minute walk from new stations to pay a levy to fund the construction and ongoing maintenance of transport routes.
The Committee for Sydney says a 'residential area levy' could be used to fund a light rail route through Green Square.

The Committee for Sydney says a 'residential area levy' could be used to fund a light rail route through Green Square. 

Committee chief executive Tim Williams said the annual "residential area levy" would allow the surge in land value which property owners experience when public transport is built nearby to be captured and reinvested into the project.

"It's like a boiling a frog slowly so they don't actually feel the pain," Dr Williams said.

"So it's the idea of a long-term but small annual contribution to the infrastructure. You need a long-term kind of slow release approach so the people don't object. This is a way of getting community buy-in because the levy would actually be the equivalent of buying a couple of crates of beer a year."

'This is a way of getting community buy-in,' says Committee for Sydney chairman Tim Williams.

Public transport is a perpetual drain on the state government's wallet. Ticket sales only cover 33 per cent of Sydney Train's operating costs, according to analysis by SGS Economics and Planning. Fare box revenue covers 90 per cent of operating costs for the London Underground.

As a result, the report said, governments were more tempted to fund motorways than railways because they could regain their costs through tolls.   Sad

But well-planned public transport can increase land value by up to 50 per cent and the proposed levy is a form of "value capture" – a broad term for a finance mechanism that aims to seize this windfall gain.

Under the committee's model, property owners within a five-minute walk, or 400 metres, would pay higher council rates, while those within a 10-minute walk, or 800 metres, would have a smaller rate rise.   Sad

The report proposed using the levy to fund the construction of a light rail through Green Square, which will become the densest precinct in the country when a flood of development is completed in the next 15 years.

If residents who lived within walking distance of the light rail paid a "special rate" of $400 a year, more than $12 million in revenue could be raised each year to go towards the project.

Even if the land value increased by as little as 10 per cent when the rail line was built, based on the average dwelling price in the area, property owners would receive a windfall gain of about $80,000.

"This is a long-term funding model … for the community that benefits from infrastructure to pay more for it," Dr Williams said.

Value capture has become an increasingly hot topic, with both the state and federal government investigating how it could be used to fund public transport, including the construction of a rail link to the proposed airport at Badgerys Creek.

Sydney Metro Northwest, the high-speed rail line that will run between Rouse Hill and Chatswood, is considered by many as a missed opportunity for "value capture", with land owners along the route experiencing significant untapped gains in land value.

In the past month, the state government has announced that a new light rail from Parramatta to Strathfield via Sydney Olympic Park and the development of a new train station and land in Waterloo would be funded by "value capture" through a Special Infrastructure Contribution.

Dr Williams said the flaw with this model was the levy applied only to developers, rather than the wider community who would benefit from the new transport, and that it was a one-off payment rather than an ongoing revenue stream.

The Committee for Sydney was previously chaired by Lucy Turnbull, the wife of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who resigned earlier this month to head up the Greater Sydney Commission.
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Sir Crook
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #1 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 6:13am
As a result, the report said, governments were more tempted to fund motorways than railways because they could regain their costs through tolls.  We don't want your miserable road tolls, or higher rates.   Sad 
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #2 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 6:24am

they actually employ people to find ways and means of taxing us... without actually causing an uprising.....

the GST one of the fairest ways to TAX... if there is such a thing...

is a whopping big NO NO with lefties....they will block and block and block......

but every sensible person knows... they will still raise the money come hell or high water.....

this way.. only those who who own the property will pay..... its like the FIRE LEVY... on the home insurance... only the mugs that buy their oen home pays for it....

yet everyone gets the benefit...

it makes sense to some. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #3 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 8:09am
Public transport is a perpetual drain on the state government's wallet. Ticket sales only cover 33 per cent of Sydney Train's operating costs

Which only goes to highlight the abject stupidity of privatising the highly-profitable
freight network, which USED to subsidise passenger rail to a considerable extent.

Yet another expensive and shambolic Lib failure.
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #4 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 9:39am
Residents who live within 800 metres of a new light rail or train station would pay extra council rates, under a model proposed to fund public transport in the future.

Why only tax residents? Why not tax all properties? Businesses in the area would also benefit, would they also be included in this tax plan?
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Its time
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #5 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 9:44am
Bam wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 9:39am:
Residents who live within 800 metres of a new light rail or train station would pay extra council rates, under a model proposed to fund public transport in the future.

Why only tax residents? Why not tax all properties? Businesses in the area would also benefit, would they also be included in this tax plan?

No they run at a loss every year so will have to carry forward losses  Sad
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #6 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:11am
As a result, the report said, governments were more tempted to fund motorways than railways because they could regain their costs through tolls.  We don't want your miserable road tolls, or higher rates.   Sad 

What about the train fare Crook?  It's just a toll?  Or do you want free public transport? (wouldn't surprise me)
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #7 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:16am
Bam wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 9:39am:
Residents who live within 800 metres of a new light rail or train station would pay extra council rates, under a model proposed to fund public transport in the future.

Why only tax residents? Why not tax all properties? Businesses in the area would also benefit, would they also be included in this tax plan?

They already are........and they can't vote.
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Sir Crook
Ex Member

Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #8 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:27am
What about the ones that live near the train station?.  So now they want the train fair for these people, and an increase in rates, for those that live near the station.   Sad
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #9 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:39am
What about the ones that live near the train station?.  So now they want the train fair for these people, and an increase in rates, for those that live near the station.   Sad

If the property value increases then the rates increase anyway....
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #10 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:49am
Swagman wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:39am:
What about the ones that live near the train station?.  So now they want the train fair for these people, and an increase in rates, for those that live near the station.   Sad

If the property value increases then the rates increase anyway....

Bloody user pay F!FS  increase the ticket PRICE TO COVER THE COST  USER PAYS Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #11 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 12:10pm
Swagman wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:39am:
What about the ones that live near the train station?.  So now they want the train fair for these people, and an increase in rates, for those that live near the station.   Sad

If the property value increases then the rates increase anyway....

.. and if you buy there you pay more anyway in mortgage etc....

Honestly these people in government would dig up a dead man if he had gold in his teeth...
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #12 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 12:16pm
aussie100percent wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:49am:
Swagman wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:39am:
What about the ones that live near the train station?.  So now they want the train fair for these people, and an increase in rates, for those that live near the station.   Sad

If the property value increases then the rates increase anyway....

Bloody user pay F!FS  increase the ticket PRICE TO COVER THE COST  USER PAYS Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry


Obviously you have no concept of the idea of providing a PUBLIC SERVICE.

Take your 'user pays' idea and move to the USA...

Mussolini may have made the trains run on time, but not even he could make
passenger services pay for themselves - user-pays or not.

Freight should subsidise passenger services - it's simple math.
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #13 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 12:30pm
Kat wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 12:16pm:
aussie100percent wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:49am:
Swagman wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:39am:
What about the ones that live near the train station?.  So now they want the train fair for these people, and an increase in rates, for those that live near the station.   Sad

If the property value increases then the rates increase anyway....

Bloody user pay F!FS  increase the ticket PRICE TO COVER THE COST  USER PAYS Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry


Obviously you have no concept of the idea of providing a PUBLIC SERVICE.

Take your 'user pays' idea and move to the USA...

When I lived in Boston I would catch the T (tram) for $1 it would take me everywhere in that city and even to Logan airport for $1.

Is that an example of user pays in the USA  Smiley

You can catch light rail for $1 in Boston in 2015, why is government run public transport so expensive in Australia?
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Live Near A Train Station, Then Pay More Rates
Reply #14 - Dec 28th, 2015 at 12:43pm
Kat wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 12:16pm:
aussie100percent wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:49am:
Swagman wrote on Dec 28th, 2015 at 10:39am:
What about the ones that live near the train station?.  So now they want the train fair for these people, and an increase in rates, for those that live near the station.   Sad

If the property value increases then the rates increase anyway....

Bloody user pay F!FS  increase the ticket PRICE TO COVER THE COST  USER PAYS Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry


Obviously you have no concept of the idea of providing a PUBLIC SERVICE.

Take your 'user pays' idea and move to the USA...

Mussolini may have made the trains run on time, but not even he could make
passenger services pay for themselves - user-pays or not.

Freight should subsidise passenger services - it's simple math.

You crunts want every thing for nothing..Who pays for your petrol do    If you want a figging train pay for it    Angry Angry Angry Angry
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