Vladamir is simply the right "style' of leader for the modern age.
Some people think society wants touchy feeley and deep thinking intellectuals.
these people are called "group think leftards'
The average reader of Oz pol probably is in the top 5 % of smartest people in society.
Your average chode has to have the message dumbed down to such an enormous extent
OBAMA.....Hope, economy, "yes we can"
he has to speak to the electorate in one and two word bites like he is talking to a 3 yo.
because thats the mentality out there.
And that mentality wants a STRONG LEADER.
i would urge all western politicians to study success.
they could study Vlad and learn from him.
one should also study failure.
one could study any western leader and learn what not to do, how not to think, what traps not to fall into.
And leftard intellectual group think is the biggest trap of all.